Excuses For Not Exercising: #4 It Is Not Doing Anything

Exercising the body to a point that you can be able to tell there is any difference takes some time. If you are just starting to exercise, be prepared. It does not happen overnight. It very well could take several weeks before you begin to see any difference. How you feel, however, is a totally different story. Once you start exercising you will start to feel more energetic, more fit and trimmer within a matter of a week. The big hurdle to climb over though is the hurdle known as dedication, patience, perseverance and commitment. You may want to quit … Continue reading

Getting Fit: No More Excuses

With the holidays fast approaching many people find themselves sucked into the shopping vortex. To-do lists are growing and finding time to get everything done is challenging to say the least. The months of November and December are also the time of year when many people slack on their fitness routines because they simply can’t find the time to get in a workout. Personally, I feel the opposite should be true. This is the time of year when you should try even harder to maintain your exercise regimen. After all, most of us tend to eat more during the holiday … Continue reading

Can Exercising Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer?

A new study suggests that women who participate in vigorous exercise can lessen their risk of contracting breast cancer. The new research was conducted by the National Cancer Institute and gives post-menopausal women hope for healthier years ahead. The study followed more than 32,000 women who were enrolled in a Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration. Each woman provided answers to a questionnaire asking about their physical activity (including everyday tasks like housework, work related activity and leisure activity) over the course of a year. Researchers then performed statistical tests to estimate the relative risk of post-menopausal breast cancer linked to physical … Continue reading

Weightlifting: It’s Not About the Weight

How many times have you seen guys at the gym try to lift as much weight as they can without paying attention to form or technique? They’re grunting and sweating and throwing weights up instead of lifting them correctly and later that day they’re limping around because they tweaked their back. Experienced weightlifters know that the sport is more about good form and technique than it is about how many pounds of steel you can throw around. Professional weightlifters are the first to chastise guys who are in need of a serious ego check because they know first hand the … Continue reading

Something is Better than Nothing

In light of the new recommendations just issued by the federal government regarding the amount of exercise Americans should be completing on a weekly basis I thought it would be interesting to note the results of a new recent study done by researchers at Louisiana State University as it might make you couch potatoes feel a bit better. Whereas the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says adults should be participating in at least 2.5 hours a week of moderate-intensity physical activity, researchers at LSU maintain that even 10 minutes of exercise a day can improve your health. Or … Continue reading

New Government Study Says You Aren’t Exercising Enough

How many minutes of exercise did you complete today? If you didn’t participate in at least 22 minutes of moderate physical activity then health experts say you didn’t do enough. The government is cracking down on couch potatoes by issuing new physical activity guidelines for Americans. In a report released today by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, experts say adults should be participating in at least 2.5 hours a week of moderate-intensity physical activity such as brisk walking or 1 hour and 15 minutes per week of a vigorous-intensity activity such as jogging or swimming laps in … Continue reading

Is One Really Enough?

I got into weightlifting when I was a freshman in college. I was dating a guy who was obsessed with bodybuilding. He was competing for Mr. Wisconsin… or was it Mr. Universe? In any event, A. couldn’t go a day without working out (or eating egg whites), so needless to say, much of the time we spent together was at the gym. And while our relationship may have failed (he loved his body way more than he loved me) I left with a great parting gift—-a toned body and tight grip on how to design a fitness routine that worked … Continue reading

Exercising on the Road: No Excuses

Hopefully, you have been inspired by the change of seasons (and perhaps my blogs) and are now a few weeks into your new fitness routine. Now that you are advancing nicely you want to make sure you stay on track. This means following your exercise regime regardless of if you are at home or on the road. Whether you are traveling for business or you’re taking a short family vacation, being away from your gym shouldn’t be an excuse to halt your workouts. Executing your fitness plan on the road may be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Instead of looking … Continue reading

Feeling Upbeat and Trimming Down

I have not written a lot about my fitness results lately. I hit a few bumps in the road a couple of months ago and backslid. With it came a wave of self-disappointment and a less than cheery mood. I am used to this type of thing happening because I have dealt with it in the past in my self, but I am a pretty good trooper with a lot of help from someone who watches over me. I got back in the saddle again and I am riding off into the wild blue yonder with a wave of excellent … Continue reading

Tips for Staying Fit While Traveling

Summer’s here, and with it comes family vacations and other holiday road trips. However, just because you are away from home doesn’t mean that you have to compromise your daily fitness routine. Consider the following the next time you try to make excuses for not exercising on the road: *If you are a runner, traveling to a different city gives you the chance to jog along new trails and view different scenery. *If you are a weightlifter, traveling could mean getting to use unique fitness equipment at your hotel’s gym. *Traveling provides the opportunity to switch up your exercise routine-if … Continue reading