Your Guide to Insurance Savings

Everyone has to carry some form of insurance, whether it is homeowners insurance, renters insurance, auto insurance or private medical insurance. Being able to find ways to reduce the amount that you have to pay on your premiums is important. With less money leaving your family budget for insurance, you’ll have more money for savings and other needed expenses. 1. Raise your deductible If your insurance deductible is less than $500, consider raising it to at least that amount. The higher your deductible, the lower your insurance rate. The deductible is the amount that you will pay first before the … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – July 8 – 14, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review brings you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on the blogs that have been posted here in the past seven days. There could be anywhere between twelve and fourteen blogs that appear. Which ones did you miss? Jan Brewer Wants to Take Away Health Insurance Benefits Arizona Governor Jan Brewer wants the Supreme Court to allow her to terminate health insurance coverage for the same-sex partners of state workers. An appeals court would not allow her to do that. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on July 9, 2012. This time, … Continue reading

Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of July 9, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss topics related to insurance. This is an easy way to keep up to date with the changes to insurance that could affect the policies that protect your family. NPR released an episode of “Morning Edition” on June 29, 2012. This episode is called “Health Care Ruling Is A Mixed Bag For Insurers”. Host Linda Wertheimer and Host Renee Montagne speak with Karen Ignani. She is the president and CEO of American’s Health Insurance Plans, or AHIP. They discuss the impact of the Supreme Court’s … Continue reading

Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of June 18, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Podcast Roundup brings you new and interesting episodes of podcasts that talk about insurance related issues. This is a great way to keep informed about the changes to insurance that could affect the policies that protect your family. NPR released an episode of “All Things Considered” on June 15, 2012. It is titled “California Runs With Health law Without Waiting on Supreme Court”. This episode talks about some of the ways that the state of California has been working on preparing to provide a way for all Californian’s to find health insurance coverage through a state … Continue reading

Letters from the Homeowners Insurance Company

This all started with a puddle on the floor. Since then, my husband and I have been going through the claims process with our homeowners insurance company. Overall, things are going much easier than I ever expected they would. Here is the next step in the process. Today, we received three, separate, envelopes in the mail from the insurance company that we have our homeowners policy through. Oddly enough, the mail arrived as the claims adjuster was at our home, doing his job. I’ll go over that portion of the claims process in another blog. For now, I wanted to … Continue reading

Wisconsin Bans Private Insurance Coverage of Abortion

The Wisconsin Assembly has voted to ban private insurance companies from including coverage for abortion in health insurance plans. They have voted to ban their state’s health insurance exchange from including plans that provide coverage for abortion. The Assembly also voted to ban schools from teaching anything other than abstinence-only in their sex education classes. This week, the Wisconsin Assembly voted 61 – 34 to ban private health insurance companies from providing coverage for abortion in the Wisconsin health insurance exchanges. The federal laws regarding health insurance exchanges allow states the option to prohibit coverage for abortion in the insurance … Continue reading

Insurance Coverage for Falling Satellites

The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite is expected to fall to Earth, and even scientists cannot predict exactly when, or where, it will land. What if the satellite falls on you, (or your home or vehicle)? There is an international treaty in place that would compensate you for damages and injuries. I don’t think that most people spend a lot of time thinking about the satellites that are just outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, forever circling. Usually, if you are wondering about what is going on with a satellite, it is because your television service isn’t working. Even then, you are … Continue reading

Standardized Insurance Forms are On the Way!

Starting next year, there will be new, easier to understand, insurance forms. These forms will be standardized, and insurance companies would be required to use them. This will make it much easier for consumers to compare health insurance plans, in order to find out which one is best for them. The new, standardized, health insurance forms were released today by the Department of Health and Human Services. Consumers will be receiving these six page forms beginning on March 23, 2012. These forms were created after several different surveys showed that most Americans find it difficult to understand and select health … Continue reading

Farmers’ Insurance Decides Dog is “Totaled”

This is a scenario right out of a pet lover’s worst nightmare. A woman’s dog was hit by a van. The dog survived the impact, but needed medical care. The insurance of the driver limited the amount of medical care that they would cover for the dog. They actually told the owner her dog would be considered “totaled” after a few visits to the vet. A woman in Colorado named Marcia Pinkstaff was walking her dog, Sasha, in a crosswalk. Sasha is a lab mix, and was nine years old. Tragedy struck when a van made a left turn and … Continue reading

A Couple of Genealogy Terms for You

Every so often, I like to add some new words to my vocabulary. I really enjoy having a big vocabulary because, let’s face it, words are a lot of fun. My son, who is nineteen months old, is adding a new word or two to his vocabulary every day or so. I am so pleased about that because he seems to like words just as much as I do. While these two words won’t be on the tip of his tongue any time soon, if you are into genealogy they just might come in handy for you. At the very … Continue reading