Different Strokes, Commands, and Dialogue for Different Pet Folks

Aimee recently wrote an article about how to speak cat. I couldn’t help but think of it when I watched the Elvis episode of “The Greatest American Dog.” The Tangled Leash Challenge In this “Greatest American Dog” challenge, the dogs and their owners were paired up. They had to attach their dogs to leashes that wound around various obstacles and intertwined with one another. Then, without touching their dogs, using verbal commands only, they had to navigate their dogs through the course. There were several obstacle sections to work through. Once they were free of one, they unhooked the dog … Continue reading

Watching the Buzzards and the Bunnies

The other day a horrible thing happened: one of the neighborhood bunnies got hit by a car and died. I didn’t see it happen. It must have happened after my walk with Murph, because I would’ve noticed the bunny body in the road on our way home. As it was, I spotted it from the kitchen window as I was washing dishes. I wasn’t sure it was a bunny at first, though. It could have been a piece of clothing someone lost. But when the first buzzard showed up, I knew it was fresh kill. The Buzzard Brigade At first … Continue reading

Animals Have Emotions, Too

Some people like to think animals are just animals. They think animals don’t think or feel or have emotions. Oh really? If animals didn’t have emotions, would they take orphaned animals in and nurture them as their own? Even when they’re different species sometimes. Would they cower from thunderstorms or snakes if they didn’t feel fear? Would they mourn the loss of their babies or even their people when they die? Would they show signs of depression? Would they smile when they’re happy? How could they do any of those things if they didn’t have emotions? I get viral emails … Continue reading