Mormons and Divorce – Part One: What Do Mormons Believe about Divorce?

In response to a comment made on one of my other blogs, I’m starting a short series entitled, “Mormons and Divorce.” I’m hoping to answer the questions posed by the commenter as well as others had by our readership here at One often-asked question is, “What do Mormons believe about divorce?” Some hold the mistaken idea that if you’re Mormon, you can’t get a divorce, and if you do, you’ll be condemned. That’s not the case. We believe that marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have, second only to your relationship with God. We believe that … Continue reading

LDS Week in Review – July 7th-12th

Welcome to our Week in Review! If you didn’t have the chance to join us every day here in LDS, here’s your opportunity to get caught up. We started off the week with “Dinner Discussions,” which helps keep us on track with our lessons. Then we had a review of Dallin H. Oaks’ conference talk on “Testimony.” Is your teen trying to decide whether or not to add seminary to his schedule? “Choose to Attend Seminary” will help him see that the blessings will be great if he’ll take that extra time to study the gospel more deeply. We continued … Continue reading