The Economy and Telling the Boss You’re Pregnant

Telling the boss about a pregnancy is often a stressful situation, whether the new mom is planning to stay employed after the baby is born or not. In the current economic downturn, the stakes are even higher. Companies are laying off workers in almost every sector and women may have real reasons to be worried. If layoffs are coming, women may fear telling the boss because they fear losing the job. Despite federal laws, pregnant workers continue to be seen as more expendable than their non pregnant peers. Employers may worry that the mother will leave the job after the … Continue reading

Home Month in Review: November 2008

Is your home ready for the holidays and winter? Now that November is over, it is time to gear up for the December ahead. Take a look at last months articles and see if there is anything you missed! November 1st Home Blog Month in Review: October As I sit here looking out my window at the backyard, the birds are hovering in the pine tree against a strong wind and steady rain. The temperature is chilly today, and the calendar reminds me that we have left October behind. November 2nd Fall and Holiday Decorating with Nature 2 Isn’t it … Continue reading

Beyond the Pumpkin Pie: Other Sweet Treats for Your Thanksgiving Feast

If you aren’t hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, but you don’t want to show up to your loved one’s home empty handed, consider bringing along one of these fabulous fruit pies. They are the perfect addition to a Thanksgiving dessert table and will be warmly embraced by other guests who don’t particularly care for traditional pumpkin pie. EASY CARAMEL APPLE PIE Ingredients: 6 to 8 medium Granny Smith apples 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1/2 tablespoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 pre-made pie crust Pie crust scraps 1 jar caramel topping 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon Directions: … Continue reading

National Adoption Month 2008

National Adoption Month is bringing a permanent home to approximately 3, 500 foster children in the U.S. this year. National Adoption Month awareness activities are credited with helping more than 20,000 children find homes in the past nine years. President Bush has proclaimed November to be National Adoption Month. His proclamation urged Americans to celebrate adoptive families in general and in particular, to consider how to find homes for the country’s foster children. This year, adoption agencies have put a special emphasis on adopting older children and teens from foster care. Some suggestions various parent groups and agencies have for … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: October

As I sit here looking out my window at the backyard, the birds are hovering in the pine tree against a strong wind and steady rain. The temperature is chilly today, and the calendar reminds me that we have left October behind. October 1st Buy a Home for $1.75 It seems that the housing crisis has made some interesting news lately. Home Month in Review: September 2008 Has the weather turned cooler now that September has passed? Pretty soon, it will be time to get that heat turned back on! Meanwhile, check out all of the articles that were posted … Continue reading

Do Your Teens Still Go Trick-or-Treating?

Exactly how old is too old to be wandering around a neighborhood dressed as a werewolf, ringing doorbells in an effort to score mountains of free candy? Some parents believe that you are never too old to celebrate Halloween… my mom being a prime example. She could care less if a horde of teens pulls into her driveway (in a vehicle driven by one of the masked hooligans) and stumbles up her walkway while pulling on the one and only item that resembles anything close to an actual costume (in some cases a Freddy Krueger mask paired with the same … Continue reading

Home Month in Review: September 2008

Has the weather turned cooler now that September has passed? Pretty soon, it will be time to get that heat turned back on! Meanwhile, check out all of the articles that were posted last month. September 1st Home Week in Review: August 25th Through August 31st As we all watch the raging path of the hurricane, we are praying for the safety of those affected. It seems like there have been so much weather phenomena making an impact recently. And, now one authority is predicting that this winter will see extreme cold. If you missed that post this week or … Continue reading

Teaching Your Kids Proper Telephone Manners

I’m marking today’s date so in ten years (hopefully it will be that long) I can look back on September 12, 2008 and remember how blissfully uninterested my preschooler was in telephones. She knows what the device is used for and how and when to call 9-1-1, but beyond that she really has very little desire to use the phone (oh, how I wish I could freeze time) save for her occasional desire to answer it when it rings more than three times. In my last blog I spent time discussing tips parents can use to get young children acclimated … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: July 7th Through July 13th

With babies, there is always something new every day. My little one turned two-years-old today. It is hard to believe that this energetic toddler started out as a fragile newborn who came into the world already charming everyone in the delivery room with his big eyes, long toes and the ability to accurately wet two nurses and one doctor when he was less than a minute old. Because of all of the changes, it is important to keep up with the latest news. July 7th Baby Blog Week in Review: June 30th Through July 6th Summer time is so much … Continue reading