Skin Changes During Pregnancy

Have you noticed any changes in your skin now that you are pregnant? If you have, take comfort in knowing that skin changes like breakouts, heightened sensitivity or dryness are common during pregnancy. If you have not experienced any skin changes yet, consider yourself lucky – and remember the tips from this article in case you do experience some changes during the coming months. One of the most annoying skin changes that can happen during pregnancy is that breakouts happen much more often than you may be accustomed to. Before you head to the drug store to pick up a medicated … Continue reading

Pregnancy Awareness Month (Part IV)

Our final topic for Pregnancy Awareness Months deals with what pregnant women need which is a topic that I am very passionate about. Meeting the genuine needs of pregnant women which in turn meets the needs of their babies. Five Things that Pregnant Women Need: Number One: Proper Nutrition You would think that this one is a no brainer, but it seems many people don’t understand what proper nutrition is and why it’s so important during pregnancy. A balance of nutrient dense foods plus a good prenatal are essential for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not … Continue reading

Pregnancy Awareness Month (Part III)

As many of you know if you’re following this blog, May is Pregnancy Awareness Month. The advisory team at P.A.M. promote the initiatives of education, nutrition, exercise, and wellness/nurture. All of these initiatives are things that I have devoted a lot of time to researching and implementing in my daily life throughout my first pregnancy and beyond. It’s reaffirming to find an organization that is committed to informing women about how to attain the best possible outcomes for their pregnancies and their lives of raising their children well. Too often we take for granted the wealth of wisdom available to … Continue reading

Smoking During Pregnancy May Lead to Behavior Problems in Children

I spend a lot of time reading through blogs and news related to pregnancy. Pregnancy has been around since the beginning of mankind (obviously), and yet there are always new headlines. But once in a while, I run across something, usually a study, that makes me want to slap my monitor and say “duh!” Sometimes you wonder why our money is being spent on research that concludes with what most of us would consider common sense. (Okay, stepping off my soap box now.) One such study gives us one more reason to not smoke during pregnancy. If the health risks … Continue reading

Treatment for Depression During Pregnancy

Did you know about 12 million women in the US experience clinical depression each year? What happens to these women when they become pregnant? According to a story in the Los Angeles Times, 13% of pregnant woman took antidepressants at some point during their pregnancy. For many women, the choice of whether to continue with their medication when they become pregnant is a difficult one. They must weigh the risks of not treating their depression with the risk of what the drugs may do to their unborn child. The American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists … Continue reading

Pregnancy: There’s An App For That!

“There’s an app for that.” It’s become such a popular phrase that it has inspired websites like (App For That) where people can submit their own “app for that” scenario. And pregnancy? There really is an app for that! Pilates and Pregnancy Sarah Picot is a Pilates instructor and an author. She created the ever popular Pregnancy Pilates DVD and has now released a new app for the iPhone called Pilates for Pregnancy – Complete. It’s not just an exercise app, it’s a pregnancy planner as well. It even includes a photo album. The planner includes a to-do list … Continue reading

Understanding Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy can be a scary and confusing diagnosis. You may be wondering what happened to the baby? Is this like a miscarriage? If there is no baby, why did the pregnancy test come out positive? These are all valid questions. It helps to first understand what it means to have a molar pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy, conception happens when a healthy egg meets sperm. The sperm fertilizes the egg and the fertilized egg begins dividing rapidly. The hCG hormone is present in the blood within about a week of conception. It may be a few weeks before … Continue reading

Health Risks Related to Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy continues to be a problem around the world, despite lower teen pregnancy rates. There are health risks specific to teen pregnancy that pregnant teens and parents should discuss with the doctor or midwife. In addition, teen mothers need to be educated about the risks and the importance of nutrition and prenatal care. According to the March of Dimes, teens are at a higher risk of preterm birth, compared to older mothers. The March of Dimes reports that between the years of 2002 to 2004, the preterm birth rate for women 20-29 years old was 11.7 percent. For women … Continue reading

Can Education Influence Teen Pregnancy and Adoption?

My last few blogs have dealt with educating young people. I started with suggesting that children at the elementary age learn about adoption and also about how to access community resources for various needs. (When I worked on an information and referral phone line at a Family Resource Center, I had one volunteer, a woman of about sixty, who suggested we have a training session on how to use the phone book. I learned not to assume anything regarding education.) I mentioned a class called Crib Notes written by Lyn, our education blogger here at, which teaches middle school … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: June 2008

June was my first official month posting for the Baby Blog. It has been a great experience. I love learning new things about babies and sharing it with friends. Of course, I could use your help. Whether you are a first-time mom or an experienced mom of a large family, I want to hear from you. Please share your advice, your questions and your comments. On which topics would you like to see more blogs? Meanwhile, take a look at all of the articles we had in June. June 2nd Introducing Babies to Birds Perhaps it is the fact that … Continue reading