My Take on an Age-Old Question

My last blog discussed just a small portion of the research attempting to quantify the impact genes and environment have on intelligence and personality traits. As I researched this issue, I found myself feeling reassured, but not completely; encouraged, but cautiously; and frustrated, wondering if we’re even asking the right questions. How much do I.Q. tests really measure intelligence anyway? What about kids who have a language disability such that they misread or can’t respond to the test questions? What about musical, interpersonal and physical intelligences? We don’t presume that we have a test that precisely measures “Athletic Talent Quotient”. … Continue reading

Book Review: The Adoption Life Cycle

The Adoption Life Cycle,by Elinor Rosenberg, fills a niche in adoption literature by talking about issues such as separation, loss, identity and family relationships not only as they emerge at different stages of children’s development, but also in the context of family systems. Rosenberg has seen adoption from several perspectives—as a social worker working with birthmothers, as a therapist working with adopted children in residential treatment centers, and later as an adoptive parent of two. She devotes her first chapter to the myth of adoption as “the perfect solution”. While strongly supportive of adoption, she recognizes that it usually leaves … Continue reading

Secret Service Agents, the Titanic and Granny

Okay, I’m having way too much fun sharing the stories of my ancestors. But I had to do it one more time – okay, I’m not going to swear it’s only one more time. However, I want to share the story of my great-grandmother, Maidie Lois Leighton. Now, there are some disputes as to what her birth name actually was, not to mention her birth parents. Let me explain: According to the Parshalls, the people who raised her, her birthday is 17 August, 1892. Granny, (Maidie Lois Leighton) vehemently denied to her dying day, that these were her birth parents. … Continue reading

Unrighteous Dominion: Spouse to Spouse, Parent to Child, Child to Parent

This is, sadly, an all too common problem in the LDS community. But let me make this clear right up front: There are millions of good people belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Unfortunately, there are also far too many who have succumbed to weaker passions and abuse their spouses and children, continuing to do so until the day they pass from this mortal life. This problem is not unique to the LDS Church, or even Christianity. Unrighteous dominion is found in every society, culture and religion. In reading several talks the brethren have given on … Continue reading