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Anything We Want

If God told us we could have anything we wanted, what would we say? Would we ask for wisdom for the task we have to do? When God told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted, 1 Kings 3:5, Solomon asked for wisdom to do the job at hand. He wanted wisdom to rule as king over the people of Israel.

Do we start each day asking God for wisdom for the day ahead in the decisions we need to make and the jobs we need to do? Because that’s what we should do.

Do we ask for wisdom in how we should use our time, so we are using it wisely? On that note what is using time wisely for one person may not be so for another person. What one person may see as a waste of time may be necessary to the other person’s well being or career. For example a writer needs not only to write but to read and read widely, poetry, fiction, biography etc as well as God’s Word. They need to spend time with others in social situations or just chilling out and watching TV to get a grasp of the interests of society. We can’t live in a Christian bubble.

Solomon asked for wisdom to do the job he had been called to do, and was known as a wise men. What a shame he did not practice wisdom in his personal relationships.

Sadly he did not. We see from his story that Solomon continually disobeyed God and married foreign women, 1 Kings 11:1-2. The sheer number of wives he accumulated shows his lack of wisdom in this area. But even more importantly and sadly, these foreign wives turned his heart away from God. 1 Kings 11:4 -8 and incurred God’s judgment 1 Kings 11:9 onwards. It is sad to think that a man who started off so well and was wise in so many ways could be so stupid and disobedient to God when it came to relationships.

Yes, like Solomon need wisdom in the job we are called to do but we also need wisdom in our relationships and especially the marriage relationship.

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