Married Life Without Children

Married life is fulfilling in itself. Some people want to add children to their lives, and some don’t. Those who decide not to, have a great opportunity to live a fulfilled life, loving and providing for their spouse’s needs. Married life without children is great. I happen to be among the childless (by choice) and have been married for close to 18 years. I’ve never had the desire to have children and neither has my husband. We have many friends who have children and a few who don’t. It does get tough around friends who have children and don’t understand … Continue reading

Does Your Mate’s Sexual Past Bother You?

For two people who married and were far from being virgins, the sexual history of both can at times play a part in causing arguments and insecurities. Though past history is important, in terms of sexual health and even the amount of emotional “baggage” carried from past relationships, the details of one’s sexual history need not be discussed. Still, some people are not comfortable without the details. It’s as if they want to compare themselves with the competition of the past. This can be destructive to one’s psyche. Allowing ghosts of the past to influence your moods and attitudes in … Continue reading

Marriage and Money

When a couple thinks of marriage, they think of love, romance, and building a future together. Money is anything but romantic, but a smart couple considers the practicality involved in growing together toward a secure future. Many couples ask, should we have separate bank accounts? The answer is no, unless you have reason to. That is, some people make prenuptial agreements and decide to keep separate accounts. If this does not relate to your situation, then keeping mutual accounts is a good idea. Other money matters include investments, property, liabilities, and assets. There are many aspects to money management and … Continue reading

Making Up After a Big Fight

No one likes to get into fights, especially with the one they love, but sometimes in marriages fights occur and one or both people get hurt at what is said. Avoiding conflict may seem like a good idea, but if avoidance means living with unresolved issues, such a stance is not good. The key to a good marriage is openly discussing the pros and cons of issues that surface. Fighting is often a sign of not being able to communicate your thoughts clearly and objectively, and one or both people get frustrated because the other person isn’t listening or refusing … Continue reading

Gender Differences in Marriage

Do men and women communicate differently? Is it possible that the way men and women communicate can actually cause difficulty in understanding one another? The answer to both questions is yes. Many books have been written on the subject of gender differences in marriage, including one of the more popular ones “Men are From Mars. Women are From Venus.” These books usually deal with the black and white differences among the genders, but rarely deal with the nuances that exist that have little to do with gender differences. In this post, we’ll deal with three differences among genders and how … Continue reading

Avoiding Divorce

When two people get married, the last thing on their minds is getting divorced, yet every day, millions of marriages are failing and people are getting divorced. With such high numbers of divorces in this country, what makes any of us sure we won’t be next? The fact is, there are no guarantees in life, especially in relationships. Marriages are under a lot of pressures these days because of individual stress on the job and the normal stresses of every day life. Are there any measures couples can take to at least try to avoid getting to the point of … Continue reading

The Post Honeymoon Blues

Before you got married, you looked forward to getting prepared for the wedding. There was the wedding shower registration, planning the wedding, sending out invitations and etc., as well as planning the honeymoon. Now, it’s a few weeks or months after the honeymoon and you are experiencing the blues. You’re supposed to be happy, you tell yourself, but instead you’re down a lot and often find yourself fighting the tears. What’s wrong? No doubt you’re experiencing the post honeymoon blues. The post honeymoon blues are more common than you think. Many report experiencing a let down feeling after a big … Continue reading

Are You Ever Too Old to Get Married?

From time to time you hear about a couple in their 70s or 80s getting married and if you’re like me, it makes you smile. Sometimes these individuals were high school sweethearts who rediscovered each other centuries later. Other times these couples meet on a whim, fall and love and get a second chance at love and happiness in their later years. What could be more beautiful? It gives all of us something to look forward to, especially if you’re someone who lost your spouse to an early death. Many say they’re not looking to ever fall in love again, … Continue reading

Do You Really Know Your Spouse?

When you read the headline of this post, does it scare you because of the potential bad things you might learn about your spouse? When you think of the question posed, it might make you a little nervous, but hopefully you will consider the possibility of discovering new and positive things about your spouse. Are you ever amazed when you learn something new about someone else? Is it possible that maybe there’s more to learn about your own spouse? Some people feel that they know each other very well in a marriage situation, but what they fail to realize is … Continue reading

Making the Best of the Empty Nest

It’s true that one of the biggest challenges for couples with children is adjusting to life without the kids at home. Maybe the kids have gone off to college or have gotten married and now it’s just your spouse and you. At first it will feel strange in the house, and the quietness may haunt you for a while, but ultimately, it’s a great time to reconnect with yourself and your spouse. Empty-nesters, as they’re often called, have a great opportunity to rebuild on their relationship as a couple. They also have more time (and possibly more money) for doing … Continue reading