Let’s Talk About Who’s Catching the Baby

Did you catch, or would you catch, your own baby if you could? This question was posed to me recently, and gave me pause for thought. I distinctly remember, while pushing my second daughter out, being encouraged to “just reach down and grab her”. It sounds a little bit easier than it is. I was very much in the middle of something – namely, pushing another human being out of myself – so I had little concentration to devote to the task. Ultimately, it wasn’t something I was intensely interested in, and so I don’t regret replying to the suggestion … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About the Mirror, the Crown and the Miracle

Aside from the experience as a whole, there will be some specific magical elements present in the delivery room. The Mirror – This item is often found in delivery rooms, inconspicuously set to the side and given little thought throughout most of labor. It will present itself to you at the most awkward moment, where you will most likely expect it the least and initially be slightly annoyed at its appearance. Its purpose will then become clear to you: It is merely a temporary talisman. You may use it simply for encouragement if you so choose, or you may use … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About The Four-Minute Delivery!

Here’s a fun story that I just read about, and think I will share in case you haven’t heard it: January 30, 2007 brought an unexpected surprise to one Missouri woman, who ended up with the “dream delivery” of pregnant women everywhere. A mere four minutes after Christina Palczynksi’s water broke, her little Mary Ellen was born. Christina’s husband had called 911 and the operator walked him through the steps of helping to deliver his daughter – right on the kitchen floor! The family was amazed at such a quick delivery, especially since Christina’s last child took 19 hours to … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Offsetting the Financial Squeeze of Parenting

What every parent-to-be needs is a list of inspiring ways to assure them that their new little bundle of joy won’t suck dry the retirement fund. Well, I can assure you that you don’t have to be a millionare to raise a family comfortably. Here are the ways our family does it: Tax Credits The federal government has created ways to ease parents’ burden via a tax bill signed into law in May 2003 that gives parents a larger tax write-off on minor children. The child tax credit is now $1,000 for each child under age 17, as long as … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About How Much Babies Really Cost

The Center for Nutrition/Policy and Promotion division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that by the time a child born in 2004 reaches age 6, parents with an income exceeding $70,200 a year (the median family income for 2003 was $52,680) will have spent $95,840 on said child. The report also notes that parents with a $70,200-plus income will have shelled out about $353,000 by their child’s eighteenth birthday. It’s no wonder that people are intimidated by the supposed large price tag of raising a family. If you don’t have insurance to cover the cost of delivering the baby, … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Pregnancy and Finances

You may recall me mentioning how finances may be affected in Let’s Talk About Pregnancy: Your Parenting Primer: You’ve got ten months to pay off and cut up those credit cards, missy. But are babies really that much of a financial burden? How much do they really cost? I was on the phone with a good, married friend the other day. She is the last of my good friends from high school to still be baby-less. She admitted that having a baby at this time in her life would probably put her in the poor house, but I insisted that … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Pregnancy: Your Parenting Primer

There’s more than one reason why it takes ten months to develop a human being. You’re not only making a baby, you’re making yourself into a mother. Life changes like this take some time, and some getting used to. Nature has this amazing way of anticipating all these changes and introducing them to you in subtle ways, but the question is: Can you read the signs? Deprivation Station – Having to wake in the night to go pee often will help you get used to waking all night with baby. Early in pregnancy you will experience sparse trips, and they … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy – Awesome, Healthy Drink Options

With pregnancy comes new eating and drinking habits. Those of you who are used to enjoying a hot cup of coffee every morning may be seriously stumped as to how much is allowed, and/or what to replace it with. I myself was not a habitual coffee drinker, but I did enjoy a cup now and then. Decaf coffee does not appeal to me as it is decaffeinated by a process involving chlorine, so I was more interested in a naturally decaffeinated beverage. Colas are obviously a no-no due to caffeine content as well, so what is the pregnant woman to … Continue reading

Let’s Talk Pregnancy – Ten Awesome, Easy Snack Options

If you are anything like I am during pregnancy, hunger has the tendency to hit you out of nowhere. If you’re really like me, then the sudden onset of intense hunger brings on horrible heartburn and nausea. I learned right away to keep small, quick snacks at the ready for just such an occasion. Here are my ten favorite, ready-to-go, grab-it snacks that kept me healthy and not hungry, in no particular order: 1. Almonds – This was my favorite easy-snack. They are full of protein and healthy fats, and always curbed my hunger with a simple handful. You can … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: How to Induce Labor Naturally

If you’re attempting to have the most natural labor possible, you’re going to want to avoid artificial induction at all costs. Not only are artificially-induced contractions often significantly stronger and more painful, but starting labor unnaturally can likely lead to further complications. The current state of your cervix will determine how likely the onset of labor is. No amount of any of these, save number one maybe, will produce a baby if it’s not time. Sure, there are plenty of old wive’s tales for starting labor naturally, including eating spicy foods or taking a ride down a bumpy road. But … Continue reading