What Should I Be Doing During Meditation?

Many jokes are told among those who practice meditation. We feel like we should be reaching epiphanies, realizing our relationship with God and a list of other tall, noble orders. What makes us laugh are the experiences that we really have a large percentage of the time that we are in meditation: “I have no idea what I’m making for dinner tonight,” “My feet are cold – I should have put socks on when she told us to,” or “Someone just dropped a weight way too hard.” We also have plenty of meditation sessions that lead us right into sleepier … Continue reading

The Perfect Yoga Mat

I’m one of those people who get an idea about something that they need and then spend way too much time searching for exactly what I want. This habit is much better suited for house hunting or buying a car than it is for small purchases. Maybe I justify this because I spend almost as much time with my yoga mat as I do in my car. Honestly, my mat has a lot of life left in it. After a nice cleaning, it is almost as good as new. So what, that it is a subdued, olive green and it … Continue reading

Why Yoga Might Help You Quit Smoking

You may have already gone through several cycles of trying to quit smoking just over the past month of forgotten and renewed resolutions of the New Year. Before you resign yourself to just trying again next year, see if anything here gives you motivation to try again. Becoming more aware of how your body feels and of your breathing patterns is one of the most easily experienced side-effects of practicing yoga. A simple, Gentle Yoga class could provide you with enough body awareness to firm your resolve. The focusing exercises, combined with poses and breath, allow you to better feel … Continue reading

Moderation in the Yogic Lifestyle – Where Does Caffeine Fit in?

I hesitate to even write about the fact that I gave up coffee and caffeine in January because I don’t want people to interpret this as a judgement on anyone who enjoys it. In fact, I’m sure that I would still be drinking it if it wasn’t for how it affected me. Just like some people abstain from even a glass of wine on a special occasion because it affects them dramatically, I’ve found that java doesn’t jive with my body or mind. The truth is that I became one of those people who would get a significant headache if … Continue reading

Three Fun Yoga Poses for Kids

I’ve discovered that most children really enjoy yoga. It uses their imagination and it let’s them move around. There are many poses which they find entertaining, but here are a few to get started: 1. Tree Pose. While shoulder stands and Child’s Pose come naturally for kids, Tree Pose takes a few more steps to get started. Start standing. Press the bottom of one foot to the inside of the other leg, or to the thigh. Make sure that the foot is not pressing against the kneecap. As you get your balance, find a focal point (something that is motionless) … Continue reading

The Yoga Path: Finding My Headstand

After going to my Level 3 YogaFit Training, I was determined to work my way into a headstand away from the wall. Reading Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar and talking to students and other teachers of yoga, I realized that I would need to be patient with myself and not rush it. I had heard that using a corner, rather than just being up against the wall, would encourage proper alignment. I didn’t try it in a corner for several months after my Level 3 training, however, perhaps because of being stubborn. It wasn’t until I had a more … Continue reading

Top Ten Yoga Class Tips

Without getting too serious about ourselves, I wanted to discuss some common, perhaps amusing, bits of etiquette to watch out for in yoga classes. Hopefully, you’ll know when I’m intending to humor rather than dictate. 1. Make a controlled effort to get there on time. When I say “controlled,” it’s because I don’t want people stressing themselves out just to get to class. I can get past people walking in while I’m taking people into opening meditation, but I know that it can be distracting for the other students. Late or not, we all have the same intention – let’s … Continue reading

Fitness Challenges: Power Yoga

If you are looking for a challenging workout, then a Power Yoga class may be a great option. Some Power Yoga classes are combined with heat to create names like “Hot Power Yoga Flow” or just “Hot Yoga,” but there can be quite a range of interpretations to what exactly these entail. Some of you may have called to mind Bikram Yoga which is known for its use of high temperatures in the studio to keep muscles limber and warm for increased flexibility. The difference between Bikram and a class named Hot Power Yoga, or some other variation, is that … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Ideas: Partner Yoga

I was excited to find out that my gym would be offering a Partner Yoga class the week of St. Valentine’s Day. Basically, you can bring your significant other, a friend or be paired up when you get there, unless the class specifies “couples only.” The main idea of partner yoga is to enjoy the regular poses from a new perspective. If you go with your significant other, then you’ll be able to create closeness in a challenging, but fun way. Don’t be scared away by preconceptions that anything risqué will occur; this is intimacy without the sexuality. If you’re … Continue reading

Play Me Something that I Can Down Dog To

If I had it my way, I would probably play nothing but Ravi Shankar in the yoga classes that I teach. His beautiful sitar playing, which is considered classical music in many circles, epitomizes what I feel when I practice yoga. Once he gets going, there are plenty of rhythmic qualities for a nice practice pace, and since yoga originated in India, I feel closer to the real essence of what I’m doing. Call me a traditionalist if you like. As you guessed, I don’t let myself have it my own way. Because I teach such a variety of students, … Continue reading