It is Okay to get a Babysitter

I know that it can be expensive to hire a babysitter and I also know that as single parents, we may feel like we work so much and are away from our kids so much as it is, that hiring a babysitter is a bad thing. I have not yet met a single parent who did not carry around a fair amount of guilt and spending non-work, non-obligation time away from a child or children topped the list of guilt-inducing activities. I am here to say right now, however, that it is OKAY to hire a babysitter. If expense is … Continue reading

Great Games for Baby’s Development

I have mentioned in past blogs how I’m not a big fan of television and other electronics that supposedly make your baby smarter. Research has shown that human interaction is what babies need in order to develop cognitively, socially and physically. But what kinds of things should you talk about with your baby? Here are some great games to help your baby learn, grow, and develop! Pretend and Make Believe One of the fun things about having twins is that they are so much more socially aware than any of my other children were. Perhaps it is just them, but … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: May 8 to May 27

Oops! The last few weekends have been filled with craziness and I have simply forgotten to do my week in review blogs! Between homeschooling conventions, a bout with croup, and year end activities–the time (and my brain) just escaped from me. So if you’ve missed anything recently. . .it’s here! Saturday, May 26 Babies Have Astounding Capabilities Scientists and researchers are learning more and more about how babies learn language. It’s changing the way we define intelligent and challenging our beliefs on the best ways to enhance development. Friday, May 25 Preemies Listening to Vivaldi? Check out this exciting research … Continue reading

5 Red Flags That May Signal a Motor Development Problem

Experts say that it helps to think of motor development problems in terms of two categories: qualitative and quantitative. A qualitative disorder is something that is not normal in and of itself. Extreme stiffness in the limbs for example, is abnormal at any age. A quantitative disorder on the other hand, is when the behavior is appropriate but the timing is all off. For example, if your child is crawling but maybe shows no signs of walking well after one year. With that said, here are 5 red flags that something is not right in terms of motor development. 1. … Continue reading

Captain Clutter & The Baby Explorer

Are you compulsive about how you tidy up your home? Does your baby make you crazy because the more mobile he or she becomes, the messier they get? It’s hard to keep a room straight and neat when baby is busy dismantling your bookshelves or dumping their toys out everywhere. One of my daughter’s favorite activities was to pull out all of the clothes out of the laundry basket and dragging them everywhere. Clutter Teaches As hard as it may seem to believe, clutter teaches our little ones. It teaches them about the different textures and the different objects. Consider … Continue reading

Education with BabyPro

Today with our society focuses to much on violence, sex, and bad language, which is why we see parents making major changes specific to what their children view at home. Instead of watching cable or satellite channels with graphic content, the number of sales for educational DVDs is on the rise. A number of companies have realized the need for quality, educational resources for children, which has resulted in a new and exciting trend. As a parent, you have a large selection of DVDs that focus on the developmental issues of your child but one I wanted to address specifically … Continue reading

Helping your Baby Talk with Games

As a parent, you want to do everything possible to help your child develop normally. When it comes to speech, you can encourage your child by using games. Babies, even very young babies, love to play. Therefore, you can incorporate playtime into daytime activities, which actually promote development. In addition to being fun for the baby, this time is also great for bonding with the parent. One of the best ways to connect to your baby is with music, whether being played or sung. For instance, you could sing something like “Hush Little Baby Don’t You Cry”, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little … Continue reading

Grandparents & Baby

Reverend Crutchfield commented on Daddy Time about the grandfather time that he enjoys with his grandchild and he made a great point. Grandparents are vital in your baby’s development and what’s more – the enjoyment is shared equally on both sides of the fence. When our daughter was a baby, we lived in Virginia – thousands of miles from grandparents on all sides of the family. My hat is off to the three grandmothers that made their pilgrimages out to visit us so regularly that our daughter knew them all on sight and even developed special pet names for them. … Continue reading

Exploring Emotions With Young Children

Young children are a study in differences. Some preschoolers have advanced large motor skills, while some kindergarten students struggle with large motor control. Other children have excellent spatial skills, and still others have the ability to understand emotions in a way that is beyond their years. However, even if they may be at different stages of social and emotional development, all young children can benefit from activities that explore emotions and increase social skills. How can you encourage your young homelearners to explore their emotions? One of the simplest ways to study emotions is through discussion of a picture book. … Continue reading

Mommy’s Helper: A Fun Way To Learn

I love playing with my 19-month-old son. Lately his favorite thing to do is basically destroy whatever I manage to build with his blocks. I try to make a tower and he knocks it down as hard as he can. I’m thinking someone would really love to play whack-a-mole… But, it’s not realistic to play all day. There are things that need to get done around the house. At the same time, you still have to watch and interact with your toddler. What is the solution? I am a big believer in including your toddler in your everyday activities. There … Continue reading