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Are Teens Desensitized?

When catastrophes happen, do teens really grasp the horror or tragedy of the event? Some experts don’t think so because they believe that most teens have become desensitized.

There are a number of ways that teens can become desensitized—the media, video games and just the general violence that surrounds us. It has become really no big deal when someone dies; it’s just another typical everyday event.

About a month ago my daughter mentioned they were learning about the Holocaust in school. They watched some kind of movie or documentary (not sure exactly what it was) and my daughter couldn’t believe it but some of the kids were laughing. They were laughing at the pictures of some of the Jewish people, who were so malnourished they looked like skeletons.

When my daughter told me this, my heart just ached. How could children laugh at something like that? But it’s really just an indication of where the hearts of our children have gone to.

I do try very hard to guard what my children play when it comes to video games and computer games. However I know that things slip by, especially when they are at someone else’s house.

The only other way I know to keep my children from becoming desensitized is to express my feelings about tragedies and catastrophes that happen. I try to instill in them the horror of a situation so that they don’t think it’s just an average day in this world. I speak pretty candidly with my children about things.

I just don’t ever want them to think that another murder is no big deal. I don’t want them to look at the catastrophes such as Japan and shrug their shoulders as if it doesn’t really affect them.

What do you think is the solution or is there one? Can we really prevent teens from becoming desensitized? Do you think this is a small or big problem?

Related Articles:

Is Teen Rudeness Really a Trend?

What Example Are You Setting?

The Desensitization of Children

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.