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Are you a TOTAL PERSON? Do you even know what one is?

  • TOTAL = Time Out To Assess Lifestyle
  • P = Physical Health
  • E = Emotional Health
  • R = Recreational Status
  • S = Spiritual and Social Health
  • O = Organizational Health
  • N = Nutritional Health

Take a quick time out and think about each of these things honestly and objectively. What is your physical health like? How are you doing emotionally? Do you take time for rest and recreation? Do you have a circle of friends and family to support you? How about spiritual support? Is disorganization making life chaotic? Are you eating right?

You may be pretty satisfied with the results of your TOTAL PERSON survey. Or, you may find one or more areas that could use some improving. Don’t tackle them all at once! Pick one area and work on making little changes.

Not in the shape you’d like? Start making small changes to increase the amount of activity in your day. Check the Fitness Blog and Weight Loss Blog for ideas on how to get moving and shed extra pounds.

Not eating as well as you would like to? Add more colorful fruits and vegetables to your plate. Small changes may not give you immediate results, but you’ll be more likely to stick with them in the long run.

Need help dealing with emotional stress? Try taking negative feelings and changing them to positive statements. Instead of feeling pressured because a large project has landed in your lap, try to feel honored that you have been chosen for important work. You may not be able to change the people around you, but you can change how you feel about them and react to them.

It couldn’t hurt to pick one phase of your TOTAL PERSON to focus on each month. In just six months, you’ll have made changes and improvements to each phase of your life! Still not a hundred percent happy? Start over again and spend a month improving each phase. One year from now, you’ll have a healthier, happier, less-stressed YOU!

Essential Rest