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Birds on the Brain: International Migratory Bird Day 2007

Tomorrow, May 12, is International Migratory Bird Day. The Environment for the Americas was born out of the success of the day and now has a website that promotes their cause year round.

Each year they have a theme, and this year it’s “Birds in a Changing Climate.” The purpose of this year’s celebration is to raise awareness of how sensitive birds are to environmental changes. When we cut down forests, we cut down their homes. When we use pesticides to keep bugs at bay, we contaminate and/or kill a potential food source for birds. When we pollute the water, we contaminate their drinking water and/or food supply.

Why should we care? Because we’re all interconnected. Disrupting the habitats of one species will cause them to change their habits, which will disrupt another species, and so on. In the end, we’re not only harming them, but ourselves as well.

Participate in IMBD

• Use the IMBD’s Explorer’s Map to locate a festival near you. (If you’re going to be out of the country, the locator can also identify festivals in Canada, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, and South America.)

• Take a virtual birding field trip. Destinations include Eastern Egg Rock Island, Maine; Texas Rio Grande Valley, the Snake River, Idaho; Minnesota’s North country. There’s also a bird banding expedition.

• Find a birding trail near you. Get out and go for a drive or hike. (The list is still a work in progress, with new trails being added as they’re developed.)

• Plant a tree. Or put up a birdhouse. Make an inviting place in your yard for birds, migrating or otherwise, to rest their weary wings. (Don’t forget to provide them some fresh water and food while you’re at it. Every traveler appreciates refreshments!)

• Go green. Anything you can do, from recycling to reducing emissions, to help the environment adds up. For the birds and us as well.

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