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Capture End of School Year Memories

With the school year coming to a close, it’s a great time to capture school memories and document what your child is like as they are making a transition from one grade to the next.

I’d like to share some ideas you may want to incorporate into your scrapbooks so that you can help your child to remember what they were like this year in school.

Photos you won’t want to miss. Most teachers would be more than happy to have you come into the classroom to get a few special photos for your child’s scrapbook.

Your child with his or her teacher

Your child in front of the school

Your child’s classroom

Your child on the playground

Your child working at his or her desk

Your child with hi or her friends

Interview your child and include the information you gather on your scrapbook layout.

What was your favorite subject this year and why?

Who are your closest friends?

What is your favorite thing to do at recess?

What is you favorite thing about your teacher?

How did you get to school (car, bike, bus, walk)?

What was your favorite field trip?

How much time did you usually have to spend on homework each night?

What were some of your favorite after school activities?

What was your favorite thing to buy in the cafeteria?

Miscellaneous Ideas

Here are a couple other ideas of thing you might want to include on your end of the school year layout.

Have your child write his or her name on a piece of paper to include on the scrapbook layout. It is always fun to look back at how someone wrote their name when they were younger.

Have you child draw a self-portrait to include on the layout.

It will take a little bit of planning to do these thing, but it will be well worth it to have such a well thought out layout with all of the photos and journaling ready to go!