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Email Organization: Organize Your Inbox !

For as long as I can remember I’ve used web based email for all my email needs. I like the flexibility of logging into my email from anywhere and checking it.

Over the past few years I have started to do a considerable amount of writing for companies and get a substantial amount of business mail sent to my inbox. I set up a business email address, but with six or seven businesses emailing me, it can get pretty difficult to sift through. If I need to reference an important note later on, it can get down right impossible.

That difficulty moved me to set up folders in my email inbox a few months ago. I have a folder set up for each company I work for. After I read a new email I move it to the appropriate folder and keep it on file for reference later.

I do a similar thing with my work email. At work I use Microsoft Outlook, and actually have my email set up to filter itself into folders. I have a folder set up for just my boss, a folder set up for emails from other people in my department, and then a folder set up for company wide emails. It has made reading my email so much easier, just to have the ability to go directly to the appropriate folder. It also makes it so I don’t miss important emails. Since I have a folder set up for my boss, I can see immediately if he has sent me any emails when I come in each morning. The whole set-up makes for much less “missed emails”

How many of you have some sort of organization set up for your email? How do you keep everything organized? What made you start the organization in the first place?

Learn about organizing your home rather than your inbox in the home blog!