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Exploration: Playing with Baby

It’s important to remember that games and playtime for babies under the age of 2 are very much about exploration and experimentation. Babies play through their movement and through their senses. They learn about the world around them. They learn about their parents. They learn about themselves.

What’s great about this kind of play is that it rarely requires a purchase and even more rarely does it fail you for entertaining the little one. When you are taking your baby or toddler out to the various 4th of July celebration whether it’s a parade, fireworks or a family picnic – remember that babies are sensory learners. They want to be down – the way to be able to touch and to feel. Seeing is not always enough, though if they are being sung to or there is dancing, they may very well focus on that for a while for their entertainment.

Theirs for the Taking

For most babies, the world is theirs for the taking. They know very little about fear and even less about caution. The world is composed of tactile sensations and they want to touch it, pull at it and yes, they even want to put it into their mouths. It’s important to remember that when you are looking for ways to play with them, entertain them and because you need to keep them out of harm’s way while celebrating.

The best kinds of games for you to play with them include peek-a-boo and chase – though the last thing you want to do is chase in a crowded thoroughfare. It’s easy to create fun things for them to do in the relative safety of home, but if you are going to be at a family or community picnic? What then?

Take a blanket and lay it out on the grass in a shady spot. Bring along some toys for them to play with, but for young babies, don’t be surprised if they gaze up at the fluttering leaves or the diffused light through the trees in fascination. Let them explore – if you have some confidence about the area – crawlers especially are going to be scampering off the blanket and into the grass.

Cause & Effect

Give them little noisemakers they can rattle or show them some blocks going into a tube so they can try to figure out how to get them back out again. Don’t worry if they get dirty, you can always clean them up. If it’s a family picnic, chances are there will be other babies – same with the community events. Your baby is going to want to see the other babies. Let them play and explore each other – it entertains them and helps them learn about each other.

Keep an eye out for runny noses and if your baby is feeling under the weather, it might be a good time to take a break and stay home. Most of the little ones won’t be awake when the fireworks go off – but have a care – if they can’t figure out where that loud booming is coming from – there may be more tears than enjoyment over the fireworks.

How do you plan for holidays and picnics out with the baby?

Related Articles:

Gifts for Toddlers

Traveling with Baby

Baby & Swimming

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About Heather Long

Heather Long is 35 years old and currently lives in Wylie, Texas. She has been a freelance writer for six years. Her husband and she met while working together at America Online over ten years ago. They have a beautiful daughter who just turned five years old. She is learning to read and preparing for kindergarten in the fall. An author of more than 300 articles and 500+ web copy pieces, Heather has also written three books as a ghostwriter. Empty Canoe Publishing accepted a novel of her own. A former horse breeder, Heather used to get most of her exercise outside. In late 2004, early 2005 Heather started studying fitness full time in order to get herself back into shape. Heather worked with a personal trainer for six months and works out regularly. She enjoys shaking up her routine and checking out new exercises. Her current favorites are the treadmill (she walks up to 90 minutes daily) and doing yoga for stretching. She also performs strength training two to three times a week. Her goals include performing in a marathon such as the Walk for Breast Cancer Awareness or Team in Training for Lymphoma research. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience through the fitness and marriage blogs.