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Fitting More Photos on a Page

I did a layout the other day where I fit, count them, SEVEN, photos on one 12 x 12 page layout. I was so proud. Not just because I fit so many pictures, but because I did it in a way where it didn’t look cluttered, and I still stayed within my style. I even had some negative space going on in the layout. It was so fun! Here’s how I did it.

The pictures were of my daughter at her first swim lessons. I didn’t want to do a million pages of one event, so I thought, how can I optimize my space? I decided to crop my photos with a good old trusty set of scissors. I cropped them as small as I could without losing the important aspect of the pictures. Most of them ended up roughly the same size except for one which I left big because it was a close up shot of my daughter. I definitely did not want to crop out any more of that cute face!

So, then, I started by playing around with how I could fit so many on a page. And, one problem I had was that I wanted to matte all of them because I was using a patterned paper as the background, so I wanted a solid colored matte. I chose to make the matte very small around each photo. I decided the large close up would be my focal picture. I placed it to the side. Then, I took the remaining six pictures and overlapped them running them from top to bottom on the right side of the page. I love the way it turned out. Here’s the finished layout:

I think the key to fitting lots of pictures on a page is to think outside the box. Play around with how you can lay them out, crop them, and find a way to do it that still maintains your scrapbook style. Many people tend to think you cannot have cute pages with so many pictures on a page, but I beg to differ! It’s a challenge that I love to conquer. How many pictures do you fit on a page?

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About Meredith

Meredith is a native Texan who is currently living in Salt Lake City, UT. She graduated from the University of Utah in 2002 with a B.A. degree in Psychology and a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. She has been married for almost 10 years and has three beautiful children who consume most of her time. However, she started blogging in 2007 and has fallen in love with the idea of becoming a writer. She started scrapbooking over 10 years ago, and has become obsessed with that as well. She also dreams of the day when someone will pay her to scrapbook for them! When she is not scrapbooking, or blogging, she loves to people watch, and analyze what makes people tick. Meredith is proud to be a Mormon, and even served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where she fell in love with the Latin culture and learned to speak Spanish. Visit Meredith on her personal blog at www.fakingpictureperfect.wordpress.com