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Great Scrapbooking Ideas

Anybody can create a scrapbook; however there are tricks to employ in order to make a great scrapbook.

Since scrapbooking is a hobby that is more an art than anything else, it’s a great method to get your creative juices flowing. In addition, it’s something that you can do to utilize up every type of scrap material you have around the house.

If you are an experienced scrapbooker, then you likely have the tools necessary to make a lovely memory filled book that will capture interest for years to come. However, if you are looking for ideas that will make your book explode with color and warmth, the consider the following ideas:


Inscription is neat handwriting or calligraphy that is executed with unique pens. This is not something that is completed with a Sharpie. It is a kind of writing that is done with strokes and particular movements, and is hard to execute. If you are lucky to learn it, it can fit effortlessly into a scrapbook. You can utilize it to decorate pages, to illustrate pictures, to tell tales or to copy poetry. It is attractive writing that is exceptional, and can be prepared with any color ink, and numerous diverse sized nibs to make the letters thin or thick, depending on your preference.

Wax Sticks

Wax sticks are metal pedestals that have a grip on one end, and a design on the other. The idea is to melt wax (not from normal candles, though, it is specific wax), in a dime sized diameter and push the design firmly into the center. Then, you take away the pedestal, and the design is embossed into the wax. It is gorgeous. There are regular designs to select from, as well as sun and moon, initialed letters, crests, hearts, Fleur De Lys, or you can still make your own specific design.

Reflective Letters

If you are creating the scrapbook as a present, write a letter to the receipient as the primary page. You can inform them why you prepared such a personal gift and what it means to you as you are creating it. An exceptionally creative way to do this is to make a new letter seem old. To do so, take a normal piece of plain white paper and immerse it in coffee until it is tainted. After letting it to dry, you can write on it.

For an additional effect, take a lighter to the sides and burn them a little, or crush the paper up and then flatten it back out once more. The look is really spectacular and it appears like something you may have drawn from your grandmother’s case.

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About Leah Karimi

I specialize in Family/Marriage Counseling, Employment and Career Counseling, Personal issues, and Workshops, with special focus on counseling services for families. My values include: -Committed to professionalism and competence. -Relate to others with integrity, sensitivity, caring, and genuineness. -Respect the dignity of all persons.