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Hiking and Camping with the Pups

Love the great outdoors? Your dog just might love it, too!

If you’re planning a hike or camping trip with your four-legged best friend, here’s a list of supplies to get you started.

For your pup:

  • Collar and ID tags — these are essential on ANY trip. If your dog becomes separated from you, how will you find him again? Make sure your cell phone number (if you have one) is on your dog’s collar.
  • A leash. Just because you’re in the wilderness doesn’t mean you want to let your dog run wild all the time!
  • Current vaccination records. They’re handy to have in case you need to make an emergency trip to the vet or if your dog injures a person or animal.
  • A blanket for resting on.
  • Towels for drying off after a swim.
  • Food and water. Collapsible bowls will make it easy to store bowls after meals.
  • Baggies for cleaning up after pet messes.
  • A flotation vest, if you’ll be near water.
  • Sunglasses for dogs with sensitive eyes.
  • A safety belt or crate for safe travel to and from your destination.

Your needs will vary based on what you’re planning and how long you’ll be gone. Use this list as a starter and alter it as need be. Your local sporting goods store may have dog-centric supplies for your camping trip or other outdoor adventure.

There are group and guided tours and adventures available for humans and pets together. Check out some of these folks:

  • Blue Sky Dogs of New York offers day and weekend trips.
  • Camp Fideaux of Sun Valley, Idaho is a weeklong camp that includes hiking, training, and more.
  • Dog Paddling Adventures out of Ontario, Canada offers all sorts of trips like hiking, snowshoeing, and more.
  • Lazy Dog Island Outfitters and Outdoor Adventure Company of Key West, Florida offers guided kayak tours for humans and dogs.