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Home Business Reviews – Format Explained

I am preparing a series of blogs on different home business opportunities. I’m going to start by focusing on some of the “big ones” like Mary Kay or Amway. These are businesses that have been in existence for a while and that have had a lot of success. These mainstream, established businesses are not for everyone, but for some people they are the perfect option. The advantage is that they offer a company that is already doing well and has a loyal customer base. Because of this, they are definitely worthy of your consideration.

In order to help you consider these businesses and make the decision about which one is right for you, I decided to establish a format that will be easy to follow. This way you can compare the different businesses and hopefully it will help you to decide which one you would like to pursue – or at least learn about.

Here is the format that I have created. Hopefully this will keep things simple and easy to follow. For each business, here are the sections I will cover:

Basic Concept of Business – What is the business? What is it’s philosophy? It’s goals?

Company Facts – How was the company established, number of employees, main areas of operation.

Customer Base – What types of people would be interested in the product or service the business provides?

Where to Learn More – How to find out more about the business or where to go to get started

It is my plan to go over a number of different established businesses that have been successful. Whether you decide to pursue one of these businesses or create your own business idea, this will provide you with a jumping off point as you work to realize your dream of working from home.

Also, I would love your suggestions! Please feel free to PM me if you have a specific business that you would like for me to review.