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How Did You Score On The Honesty Quiz?

How did you go on the honesty quiz yesterday? If you scored:

Mostly As – It seems you tend, more often than not, to be honest and up front in your dealings with people. But perhaps you are not always as tactful and gentle as you should be in what you say or how you say it.

Mostly Bs – You are sensitive to others. Your first consideration is usually ensuring the other person is not hurt or inconvenienced. This can mean sometimes you are not as honest as you could be.

Mostly Cs – You are thoughtful, considerate and careful mostly in your dealing with others, while being as honest as you can. However, when you can’t think how to deal with a situation you might just decide to ignore it.

Mostly Ds – You’re not always honest and you can tend to distance yourself from people and not care about their feelings enough, though sometimes you do the unexpected.

Were you surprised by your results? As I wrote the questions I never gave any thought about how I’d answer them. The results were somewhat different to what I expected. If you’re interested, I ended up with roughly the same As and Cs with the odd B.

I adore quizzes that supposedly tell me more about myself, although I freely admit when it comes to surveys I am the world’s worst. I always want to add to or change the question. Even with this quiz, I found myself thinking it depends on who the person is and the situation as to how I’d react.

Some people I’d be completely up front and honest with and not have to worry about how it came out. E.g. To my husband or close family member or close friends I might freely admit I thought something looked awful. It would depend on the situation. If they could change it, then yes. If they couldn’t, then it serves no purpose. Yes, I admit sometimes I am too blunt, which is why I expected more As.

Sometimes that honesty causes trouble. I’ll tell you about some of those tomorrow.

As you look at your answers would God consider you an honest person? Or is there something you need to talk to Him about? I know I do.

While on the subject of personality, here’s a personality test that might interest you in finding out more about yourself.

If you’re in the mood for something different, this medieval site
is great fun.

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