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How to Handle a School Bully

Bullying is a very big deal, especially if you are the one being picked on. If a child complains at home or at school about being treated badly by others, it should be taken seriously. No child should have to fear school or peers. There are some suggestions that you can offer to your children or students if bullying occurs.

· Be brave. Bullies often choose weak children to pick-on. Walk by and pretend not to notice the bully, this may be enough for him/her to leave you alone.

· Try ignoring. If a bullying begins to say mean things, first try ignoring the situation. Many bullies are looking for big reactions. If they do not receive one, the fun will be over and they may go elsewhere.

· Take up for yourself or others. If a bully begins bothering you or your friends, try saying stop and walking away. Some bullies are so shocked that you are not afraid and confronted them, they lwill eave you alone.

· Talk to a grown up. If you or your friends are being continuously bullied, tell an adult. Always seek the immediate help of an adult if the bullying becomes physical.

· Use the buddy system. If you or a friend is being bullied, stay with a buddy. Walk to school or to the lunchroom in groups. Make sure that you are not alone on the playground. Bullies often look for the time when you are the most vulnerable, such as being alone.

· Don’t bully back. Never give in to a bully by bulling back. Don’t try shouting, hitting, or kicking back. Returning the bullying is often satisfying to bullies and also can be dangerous.

Remember to always point out that children should seek help from adults when they feel that the situation has gotten out of control.

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