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It Takes A Village

I wrote a post about fatherless homes and another blogger here on Families left a wonderful comment. She said mothers with the right support system can raise a beautiful well adjusted child, it takes a village, as she reminded me.

Tonight I am reminded again of how true that really is. My niece is a single mother of a five month old. She recently went back to work full time, quite a lot on your plate when you are just eighteen. My mom is in town so tonight we went to visit my niece and the baby. This new baby is my mother’s first great grandchild and she couldn’t wait to see him. While visiting the baby we decided to bring him home with us for the night. What mom of an infant couldn’t use a break?

My niece is one of the lucky ones. She has parents and a fiance who are willing to help with the baby. She also has aunts and cousins who pitch in to help whenever possible. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be a single, teenage mother without a support system.

It’s hard enough to find yourself single and suddenly raising your children alone, I can’t imagine starting out that way. My niece went through her pregnancy alone, fortunately we were able to support her and help her through the transition from high school girl to mother. I can’t imagine what it is like for girls in her shoes who don’t have the support of their families. I’m glad we are all able to support my niece and this wonderful little addition to our family. We have been blessed by this baby and in turn we should help be the village that raises him.

We should all look outside of our own families and see if there is a single mother who could use a little help in her village, we all benefit by helping each other. Our children are stronger and more secure when they are surrounded by people who love them, even if those people are not a traditional family.