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Personal Growth and Lessons From Our Work

Personal growth and developing lessons can happen anywhere—even in our work and business lives. Sometimes we may get so focused and caught up in the details and work of our home businesses, we don’t even realize all the opportunities for personal growth and development that crop and pop up during a busy work day.

As adults, our work provides us with many opportunities to work through personal issues and build skills and character. The business world isn’t really as void of spirituality and humanity as we might sometimes think. Our home businesses provide us with the chance to explore such challenging issues as honesty, integrity, greed, and sloth—not to mention various personal relationship and communication challenges and organizational and problem-solving situations. We can approach our work completely “professionally” or we can be open and aware of all the personal things that are generating while we’re working.

Have you ever been in a job interview or a meeting where you were asked questions such as “What’s the most difficult thing you ever had to face at work?” Pondering these big challenges can help us see all the ways that we have been stretched and motivated by work challenges. Just like other personal relationships, our relationships with coworkers and colleagues can definitely be opportunities for us to work through things and discover new sides of ourselves. Taking on the challenges of building a home-based business can really stretch our comfort levels and nudge us into new personal development territory.

Work and business isn’t always just about details and spreadsheets, sometimes our work is a gift and a true fertile ground for our personal growth, development, and evolution. So, the next time you wonder what on earth you’re doing in your home business, opening your eyes to the challenges and opportunities as lessons may help you stay motivated and engaged.

See Also: Remember, Being in Business is a CHOICE and Are You a Leader or a Follower–and Does It Matter in Business?