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Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Introducing The Hilarious Thena

Scrapbook Funnies, HumorLong before Thena Smith was a published author of adorable scrapbook related poetry, I used to chat with her occasionally on a scrapbook message board.

She was always one to help another scrapbooker in need of the perfect poem for a layout.

She continues to help, but has now had a book published and is still queen poetry around some of the more popular message boards.

I have saved over the years, some of the funnier poetry that Thena had shared with us. I thought I’d end our week by sharing two with you. I hope that you enjoy and that you have a great weekend!

Do Eyelets Serve a Higher Purpose?

Written by Thena Smith

Forgive me, my kind scrapping friends

And one question let me pose…

Eyelets, tags and shakers

What are the purposes of those?

I have a trillion photos

That pose a looming task

And since I fail to know their use

I thought that I should ask…

I don’t want to miss out on something

That I will regret later on

But seems to me that eyelets

On clothing should belong….

Years ago when I was sewing

And making baby clothes

I hammered and I pounded

A score or so of those.

And as for shaker boxes

Who invented those (and why?)

I do not see the purpose

Altho I really try!

If my purpose is my photo

To protect, preserve and show

Why do I need confetti…..

I confess I do not know!

Labels, tags, brads and nailheads

I just cannot get hold

Of the newest and the trendiest–

It’s gotten out of control!

What a great relief it was

And what a wonderful surprise

When we found our own special scrapping stuff

To replace sewing and office supplies.

But now it seems we’re back again

To office supplies galore

Except the price is three times as much

At the local scrap booking store!

I’m really not complaining

But I really want to know

If they serve some greater purpose…

Will somebody let me know????

Fighting to be Frugal

Written by Thena Smith

I try my best to be a good wife

And manage my resources as I should

I shop with coupons at the store

And at frugality I am quite good!

Although I try to do my best

This should come as no big surprise

My one great big weakness is

Buying Scrapbooking supplies!

So don’t tell me about your eyelets

Or the new Quickutz machine that’s out…

Don’t tease me with your Sew Cute machine

It just makes me want to pout!

I’m turning off my QVC

And Amazon.com forever more

And I’m trying to regain my frugality

By just shopping at non scrapbooking stores.

I thought it would be easy

When what should appear before my weary eyes

In the school section of the Drugstore

Were those….gasp!

Scrapbooking supplies!!!!

More from Thena next Friday!

Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog and for the Frugal Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.

Other Fun Stuff To Read:

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: The Scrapbookers 12 Step Program

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Another 12 Step Program for Scrapbookers

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: A Scrapaholic’s Confession

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Addicted to Scrapbooking

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Definition of a Crop

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Evolution of a Scrapbooker

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Great Scrapbooking Poems

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: I Saw It On a T-Shirt

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Introducing the Hilarious Thena

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Some Giggles and Laughs

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Warning Signs That You Might Be Addicted To Scrapbooking