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Should Teenagers Get An Allowance?

Allowance is a hot topic for parents–whether to give one or not, how much it should be, how it should be managed. With teenagers, I think the allowance issue becomes even more complicated as we wonder what is appropriate and what best prepares our kids for the future…

I have never given my kids a set “allowance.” Up until they hit the high school years, we had a “chore chart” which listed chores and jobs that needed to be done with a pay rate next to them. Kids could do chores to earn money and they kept track on something we ended up calling an “invoice.” There were set pay days each month (that coincided with Mom’s) and they could submit an invoice for payment. I took care of purchasing all the necessitates and the extra money they earned was just that–extra money.

But, as the teen years took hold, my kids started earning money outside the home–baby sitting, mowing lawns, working for neighbors, even getting the part-time job. While they can still earn money at home, we negotiate instead of having a set list of chores. I know other parents do things differently–some pay a set monthly or weekly allowance no matter what, some tie it to jobs and chores, others don’t give an allowance at all. I think there’s merit to all these different ways of dealing with the allowance issue and it really comes down to what works best in each individual family.

I do have a theory about teenagers, though. (Alright, to be honest, I have multiple theories about teenagers.) My theory is that life shouldn’t be too easy or convenient at home. Otherwise, why would they ever work to leave the nest and strike out on their own? If I could give them money every time they wanted it (and, as as struggling single mom, there’s no way I can win at that game!), they would ‘t feel the pull or shove to get out and learn how to earn their own money–nor would they feel the pride and self-esteem at learning to be self-sufficient.

Those who argue for allowance, say that kids need to learn to manage money and there’s definitely truth to that. But, I can’t help thinking by the time they’re teenagers, it’s time for them to learn to earn and manage their own money. What do you think?