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So Tired: The Top 10 (G-Rated) Single Parent Fantasies

It’s been a long, draining day and I’m so tired tonight. My brain is fried and my mind is wandering as I begin to dream the dreams of a single parent. After a day like today, the things that I fantasize about are very simple (and I assure you, very clean!).

In my fantasies, someone would help me. That’s it. What could be simpler? I’d feel like Fiona being rescued from the dragon by Shrek if only I had help with the zillion and one things it takes to keep a family going; things like:

1. running errands – it’s discouraging to drive around for hours, making stop after stop after stop, only to realize after I’m done that I’ve hardly made a dent in what I have to do

2. deciding when something’s potentially dangerous (the furnace vibration, a strange van noise) and when it’s not. I tend to assume the worst because what happens if I don’t and it is?

3. taking my son to _________________ (fill in the blank – many answers are correct!)

4. ensuring that my son’s prescription medication doesn’t run out

5. driving my son and his friends long distances to card tournaments. I seem to be the only Mom who does this; but luckily, the “other Dads” often do the pick-up

6. being the male role model my son never had

7. making critical decisions that affect my son’s future

8. sharing “credit” for both parental successes and mistakes

9. earning some money (it’s hard to make a living while also being responsible for all the things that don’t pay)

10. taking on even one of my responsibilities on a regular basis so that I could occasionally do nothing without feeling guilty

I don’t mean to sound like I’m whining or complaining; I’m not. Like I said, I’m just so tired tonight.

— Fran


Wherever you are, whoever you are, know that your life is unfolding just as it should be, all is in divine order, and every precious little moment on this planet is worthy of your presence.

— Nancy Vogl, co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul”