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Social Security Issues

In the military we are always writing down one social security number, the active duty one. Am I correct? Everything you ever sign needs his social, not yours, in fact I’d be surprised if you still knew yours after a few years. I’m always writing his number down for everything I do, I mean you write it down for the hospital, dental, anything done on the base…which includes all those fun contests they have.

So why was it a surprise that I would ever get denied something so simple as my bank card. I knew I already had the money in my account, but why could I not have a card. I called the company up immediately demanding an explanation.

“Ma’am we understand that you have money in this account but we can’t issue you a card.”

“Why not?” I asked, but more urgent if you get the drift. Heck, I had bills to pay and was relying on this money.

“Well, it seems that the ID you presented us with doesn’t match the information you sent us.”

For the life of me I could not figure out why it wouldn’t match up. I knew my birthday, place, mother’s maiden name and even the social security number. That’s when the light bulb struck. “The social wouldn’t happen to be ***-**-**** would it?”

“Yes, ma’ am. How did you know?”

I had just given them my husband’s social security number, I couldn’t help but want to laugh out loud. “Well see we are military and….”

“I understand ma’am, I’m actually retired military.”

In this case it was resolved but in many it probably wouldn’t have been. But you see what I mean? We get so use to using our spouse’s info that we forget our own. I’ll even share a secret with you, sometimes I forget how old I am. Now I’m not sure if that is just an age thing because I want to quit counting or a military thing. You tell me. Do you have any social security tales to tell me?

TIP: Always make sure you are putting the right social security info on the piece of paper you are writing, not all the time do they want the active duty.

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