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Statewide Parenting Day

On Monday I attended my first parenting day at Tyler’s school. Like my first open house, I wasn’t sure what to expect. This was a statewide event and took place after the students were dismissed two hours early. Like open house I was a bit disappointed in the number of parents who stayed for the event but then again many parents were working. It would make more sense to schedule events like this on Saturday to allow parents who work during the day the chance to attend. The principal was practically begging parents to stay.

Although the turn out was low the event itself was a success. It was a great way to find out about things going on in the school even though many didn’t directly affect Tyler. I found out how the school as a whole did on the standardized test they took last week. I found out that this year the 4th and 5th graders are having a science fair. I found out about a few useful websites. One created by the Scott Foreman company, publishers of many of the textbooks used in schools, will create a test specifically for your child (and grade it too). Teachers have to actually go into the site and enter some vital information based on your child’s skill level and then parents (or students if they are old enough) go to the site, enter their child’s password and viola a test is created just for them. I can’t wait for the school to complete what they need to do in order for us to take advantage of this site.

There was also door prizes, voting for PTA officers and mingling with teachers and other parents. We also had fresh baked cookies from the cafeteria—— yum, yum.

This week the school is also celebrating Red Ribbon Week. This is an anti-drug campaign with different activities taking place each day. For instance, Monday was “Sock It To Drugs Day”. Students wore red socks or the craziest socks they could find and they also received a red anti-drug ribbon to wear. Tuesday’s theme was “Hats Off to Drugs Day”. I actually had fun creating a crazy hat for Tyler and my niece, a fifth-grader at the school. If students wanted to wear their crazy hats all day they had to pay a quarter to do so, with the funds going to a charity.

Today was “Rule Out Drugs Day” and every student will receive a red ruler while on Thursday each student will receive a red pencil for “Write Drugs Out of Your Live Day.” Finally, on Friday the theme will be “Band Day,” and each of the lower grades (K-2nd grade) will receive red rubber bands while the older students (3rd-5th grade) will receive book marks.

I have new respect for the teachers and other school staff. I never realized just how much planning goes into making a school a success. That’s why parental participation is vital. I understand it’s tough since many of you work outside the home but if at all possible try to schedule time off when events happen at your kids school. Tyler was so happy that I was there he forgot all about his , “don’t kiss me in front of my friends” rule!

Related Blogs:
My First Open House

Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Relationships Part One
Part Two
Part Three