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You Have the Choice

There are plenty of offensive things that can be said about single parents. At first I was afraid to go outside without my wedding ring on. What were people going to think of me? When you are walking around with a three year old without a wedding ring and looking as young as I do, it is easy for people to pass judgments. People aren’t always sensitive about your feelings and people often say things without thinking or knowing the whole situation. The trick is learning to let things roll off. You have the choice to be offended, simply choose not to.

Try not to take things personally. All bad behavior is a cry for love. People react and treat others badly because they often have their own issues they are trying to cover up. If they put the spotlight on your problems, it takes it off of theirs. As hard as it is try reacting with love instead. If nothing else, it will throw them off guard and only goes to prove your point. It makes them own up to their bad behavior and gives you the opportunity to show them who you are choosing to be. You can be someone who lashes out right back, or you can take the high road and be kind instead.

Do you really need to defend yourself? Is your value on the line? Don’t let other people determine your self worth. You, and only you, know the real story behind your becoming a single parent. It doesn’t matter what others think of it. Yes, the judgments may hurt from time to time, but when it comes down to it the only person’s opinion that matters is your own. Use this experience for growth. Don’t let what other people say get you down. Learn to forgive and show compassion. You never know what is hidden behind their unkind words. They may be suffering just as much as you are. Show compassion, instead of getting mean and defensive, try showing them love. It will help you both become better people in the end.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.