Brain Fitness: Did You Do Your Mental Aerobics Today?

One of my personal resolutions this year was to get my mind back into creative shape. You may think I do this everyday with the writing I provide here in the fitness blog and elsewhere, but like an athlete who gave up equestrian sports to become an endurance walker – both keep me mentally fit, but each challenges a different set of muscles. My Resolution I know that regular exercise performed every day helps to keep me physically active and fit. But I also know that regular exercise can help increase my cognitive abilities and function. I know that daily … Continue reading

Brain Fitness – Defensive Pessimism

I ran across the phrase defensive pessimism in a magazine recently and as I read the description of it, I found myself staring at it and being amazed. You see, because the description I read – was myself to a tee. When confronted with a crisis, we often talk about looking at the worst possible outcome. In defensive pessimism, you take looking at the worst possible outcome a step further. You examine every detail of what could go wrong and how you would in turn respond to it. Two weeks ago, my husband went into the hospital in extreme pain … Continue reading

Kids Need Brain Fitness, Too

The old motto of use or lose it applies to our brain as much as it does our body. We know that if we don’t exercise our bodies regularly, they won’t stay in tip-top shape. The same thought applies to our minds, especially the growing and developing minds of our children. Their brains are constantly developing, learning, growing and changing. We need to help them tone and strengthen it and this isn’t just about education and going to school. There are plenty of ways we can promote brain fitness in our homes and with our children. The following are a … Continue reading

Flex Your Mind

It’s rare that a fitness forum can endorse a video game as being good for you. After all, we’re often encouraging parents to get their kids off of computers and video games and outside in play, but Nintendo is putting out a new line of games that are great for adults and teenagers alike to stimulate their mental muscles. It’s important to flex your mind on a regular basis and to stimulate thinking and mental processes. The series is called the Nintendo Brain Age and it features a collection of mini games designed to improve cognitive ability and memory. What’s … Continue reading