Save Money During Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flue season can not only lay you out, but it can also make your monthly budget “sick.” There are doctor visits, expensive prescription medication, over the counter medication, tissues, special food, extra heat and other unexpected expenses that can crop up. Don’t forget about the expense of missing work or special “sick” child care facilities if needed. So, how can we make cold and flu season have less of an impact on us and on our wallets? Read on. Prevention First Obviously, if we can prevent getting sick in the first place, we’ll not only have a better … Continue reading

Striking the Balance Between Healthy and Cheap

As a mom, I have to strike a balance between making healthy choices for my family and making financially sound ones. That word, “balance” is key. While I want the best for my family, the best is sometimes out of financial reach. In order to stay health but be cheap, we employ the following strategies in our household. Know the Priorities There are some things that you can compromise on and some things that you can’t. Making sure that the kids get regular medical and dental care is top of the list, organic produce is good, a gym membership can … Continue reading

Frugal and Natural Home Remedies

I love natural home remedies for everything from coming down with a cold to stomach cramps. These natural remedies can be pretty inexpensive, too. The next time you need to heal, grab the solution right from your own pantry. Chances are that you already have everything that you need on hand. Starting a Cold Who doesn’t dread that classic tickle in your throat, the swollen feeling that tells you that you are about to come down with a cold? To sooth inflamed tissues, loosen mucus before it takes hold and flush out irritants or bacteria that can make you sick, … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Your Workouts

Getting in shape does not require a major investment, however, having some items and resources can make it a whole lot easier. I’ve been on a get fit and stay fit mission for a while now, and here are some of the ways that I have been able to save without sacrificing. Just getting through a tough workout is enough sacrifice, don’t you think? Sports Clothing When I first started running, I made use of whatever I had on hand. For me, this meant diving into my standard collection of t-shirts and using some cotton shorts I bought for sleep … Continue reading

Over the Counter Eyeglasses, Frugal or Crazy

As a frugalista, there are many things I am willing to skimp on. There are still a few items that I feel a need to pay full price for. Eyeglasses is one area where I have always thought you could not be frugal… until today. I have been harassing my father for years about his habit of buying over the counter eyeglasses from the local CVS store. “Your eyes are nothing to play with”, I would tell him. You need a prescription. He always smiled and shrugged and said they worked just fine. As he didn’t have eye care insurance, … Continue reading

Affording Health Care

Health care is a big topic of discussion right now. and now matter where you are on the subject of health care reform, the reality is that healthcare is very expensive. Here are some ways to reduce that cost. If you find yourself without insurance, if you can’t afford insurance, or if you can’t afford the bills with insurance, there are a few ways to help reduce the cost of going to the doctor. First of all, your best bet is to try to find some form of medical insurance. Living without insurance is like playing Russian roulette. You are … Continue reading

Ways to Work Out for Free

I’m in my third week of having a workout plan. It has been a great gift to myself because I have less stress, less headaches and more energy. And one of the best things about it is that other than having to purchase a couple of extra jog bras, I have spent zero dollars. Here is how. First, I take advantage of the weather and my local environment. Write outside my door is a neighborhood road that goes up and down hills. It is the perfect vehicle for interval training because there are periods of intensity and rest. Furthermore, I … Continue reading

Getting Fit Frugally

Now is a great time to make a commitment to fitness. While some people spend hundreds on gym memberships and thousands on equipment, you don’t have to do so. Here are my favorite ways to get fit for free or for very little cost. You can find all sort of exercise videos available at the library. Most libraries offer them free for up to three weeks with the ability to renew. Try different workouts all for nothing in the comfort of your home. Speaking of home, explore your own backyard or neighborhood. Go walking, running, hiking or hill climbing, depending … Continue reading

Cost Compare on Dental Care

Healthy teeth are important, and we often resign ourselves to having to pay whatever our dentist tells us to pay. But there are a few different ways to save on dental care without compromising the health of your teeth. Did you know, for example, that the cost of the same porcelain veneers can vary from dentist to dentist by thousands of dollars? Keep reading to find out how you can save money on dental care. Let’s start with the cost for dental procedures. All costs are not created equal. Just as when you buy a car or any major purchase, … Continue reading

Being Frugal Can Make You Healthier

Some people think of frugal zealots as poor, miserable wretches. Of course we know better. But just in case you want one more reason to feel proud about being frugal, here you go. Frugality can lead to a healthier lifestyle. And now, here is my explanation. As a frugal person, I tend to avoid things that aren’t necessary and are expensive. Take cigarettes, for example. They are astronomically expensive, never mind extremely hazardous to my health. None of my frugal friends smoke. By the same token, we avoid soda and alcohol as well. We drink plenty of water. It is … Continue reading