Don’t Put These Things in the Recycling Bin!

Recycling is the process by which used resources can be broken down and made into brand new products. Doing so reduces waste and keeps valuable materials that can be re-used out of landfills. Most people who take the time to recycle have good intentions. Unfortunately, there are some things you should not put in your recycling bin! The main thing to worry about is cross contamination. All it takes to ruin a bin full of useful recyclables is one greasy pizza box. In general, cardboard can be recycled – but not if it has been contaminated with grease and food … Continue reading

Hidden Germs

I try to keep my house clean, but I will admit that I worry about germs.  We have pets, we wear our shoes in the house – I just worry that things aren’t as clean as they should be. And, I should.  There are places in the house where you might not think to look for germs. Where are some of the places you should look?  One place I forget about is under the rug.  I try to be diligent about vacuuming the rug, but I often think that is enough.  Remember to pull the rug up and vacuum the … Continue reading

Should You Be Raising Chickens?

My best friend’s niece raises chickens in her backyard.  Now, this may not seem too abnormal, but to me it is – she lives in the middle of Memphis.  But, even city folks are starting to appreciate raising their own chickens.  Having your own chickens helps not only feed your belly (and in a fresh way too!), but can reduce your impact on the environment.  Plus, the chicken manure is great for composting. Before you rush out and purchase all you need for chickens, you first need to make sure it is legal.  If you live in the city, there … Continue reading

Recycling Your Christmas Tree

Well, it’s New Year’s Eve and it is time for out with the old and that includes your live Christmas tree.  I love live trees because they smell so good, but then there is always the question of what to do with it when you are done. Of course, you could always just put it on the side of the curb for trash pickup, but aren’t there some better, greener solutions? There are! First, many communities are now offering Christmas tree recycling pick-ups.  And, if your community doesn’t offer pick-up, they may at least have a location you can take … Continue reading

Taking Care of Leftovers

I have blogged before about the alarming amount of food waste in America.  But, I am guilty as well.  We often don’t finish an entire meal and leftovers go in the fridge, only to be thrown out later because we don’t want to eat that same thing again so soon. Freezing food, even leftovers, is always an option.  But, I always worry about freezer burn, which ruins the food.  What can we do to alleviate freezer burn?  Well, there are plastic bags that are airtight, helping you avoid freezer burn, but what if you are trying to avoid plastic?  Some … Continue reading

Houseplants that Purify the Air

Right after we had our son eight years ago, my husband bought an air purifier from Sharper Image. He figured we had a new baby, four cats, and lived in a community where they were still building houses, so it might help. I don’t know that it really did help or not. I still suffered from allergies, but our son doesn’t really seem to have much trouble with it, so who knows. The good news is that there are plants you can have in your home that will purify the air naturally. One plant that will help clean your air … Continue reading

Teens Turning Green

Sometimes I think all the young people of today think about is cell phones, video games, and iPods, then I read about an organization like Teens Turning Green and I have renewed hope for the future. Teens Turning Green is a student-run organization that helps other teens go green. That is, not just become more aware of environmental issues, but also green up their own lives by living a healthier lifestyle. Teens Turning Green began in 2005 when Judi Shils and her then 13-year-old daughter Erin Schrode got together with 80 other teens concerned about how chemicals could be harming … Continue reading

What is a Freegan?

I know what a vegetarian is and I know what a vegan is. I’ve heard of the minimalistic movement and even subscribe to the 100 Things Challenge on Facebook (not that it does me much good). But, until I was watching the 10th season of “Project Runaway” the other day, I had never heard of a freegan. Contestant Fabio Costa (who is originally from Brazil, but now lives in Brooklyn, New York) told another designer that he was a freegan. He explained to that designer that he gets his meals from dumpsters, to which everyone in the room went “Ew!” … Continue reading

Saving Money on Gas

We just returned from vacation. While gas prices are a bit better – at least in our part of the country (Memphis), when we drove to Florida, we noticed about a 20 cent per gallon increase. If you still have some traveling plans, there are a few ways you can save on gas: Clean out your car. I bowl in a league each week and I am bad about carrying my bowling ball in my car constantly. But, 250 extra pounds will lose a gallon of gas a mile for you. So, take out the stuff you don’t use daily. … Continue reading

More Toxins to Boot

If you are like me, sometimes you just take things for granted. I’ve been using air fresheners for years without ever really stopping to think about what chemicals – chemicals that may be harming my family – are in them. I mindlessly put on makeup without checking the label and have used non-stick cookware for years. But, as I get older, I get wiser and start looking more closely at things. I ditched the non-stick cookware and started reading labels more clearly. Here are some more household items with toxins that you may want to reconsider using: Things that are … Continue reading