Blooming all Over

Our house is blooming at the moment. No, I don’t mean the garden outside, but the house. As our orchids have started to flower, we have been steadily bringing them inside. Each week when people come to our home they find that another orchid has been added to the display, or that those there have been rearranged. The latest to be added to the flowering collection was one we bought as soon as we moved into this house just over three years ago. It is a deep pink to maroon striped with a deeper maroon and white throat. It has … Continue reading

Think Pink for Home Decor

Are you wondering what the latest hot thing in home decorating is? Well get ready to think pink. Pink is a color that is showing up everywhere. Home decor sometimes takes its cue from fashion, and I think this is the case here with pink. For example, there is a new Rolex watch that features an etched pink face. In home decor, you’ll find the pink in many different places, mostly as an accent color. This is just in time for the upcoming Valentine’s Day. The shade of pink that is currently hot ranges from a rosy, silvery pink to … Continue reading

Soft Fall Colors for the Home

This fall season, the colors for home are soft, warm and fresh. Here is a guide to what is really in style this season for your home. The main feelings for home design this season is to evoke a feeling of warmth and comfort. The colors are gentle on the eye, yet fresh and new. For inspiration, designers are taking their cues from nature. Falling leaves, pure snow, crisp winter, and harvest bounty all set the stage for the season’s palette. One of the wonderful things about this year’s palette of colors is that they are all very easy to … Continue reading

A Blue Home May Make You Lose Weight

If you find yourself hungry all of the time, consider painting and accessorizing with blue. Experts tell us that the color has real influence over our appetites. Blue kitchens, blue dining rooms, blue tablecloths, blue plates and blue napkins can help us fee full. How does this work? A color theory professor explains that our brains are turned off by the association of the color blue and food. Food generally does not come in blue (even blueberries are mostly purple). When food is blue in nature, it generally means that the food is spoiled with mold and may contain harmful … Continue reading

Past Time for Red, White, and Blue?

Even though Fourth of July has come and gone (so quickly!) that doesn’t mean that red, white, and blue can’t still work for home decorating. You can use them together, separately, or mix and match. The Americana look is a tried favorite and there’s something about it’s rustic charm that makes it perfect for bringing the outdoors in or indoors out as is so popular during warmer months. White is always a great summer neutral and various shades of blue and red can be quite summery. Putting bright red and white together always make a statement. A hot and a … Continue reading

Home Color Trends: Spring/Summer 2008

Color trends for the home generally mimic what is being featured on fashion runways. The colors for spring/summer 2008, as reported thus far, should include a fun mix of washed colors, pastels, bright colors, and neutrals. Colors like with names like “cantaloupe” are a great example. We’ll still be seeing reds and assorted blues. A variety of yellows continue to be a staple of spring and summer. Green is of course a color that must be represented, as so many things outdoors begin to take on various hues of this lively color. Green is also apparently popular, as a reminder … Continue reading

Ways to Use Red in Your Home

Red is definitely noticeable in your home. You can use it to create a mood, create a focal point or to draw attention to features in your room. Red is the color of passion, cheerfulness and excitement, but it is also the color of anger, aggressiveness and hunger. With red, you have to strike a balance between using too much and not using enough. Here are some ideas for using this boldest of colors. Use red as an accent color in a room. it can be applied to lighting, candles, pillows, wall treatments and more. A bit of red here … Continue reading

Bold Color Tips

Want to try out some bold color choices in your home but not sure where to begin? Bold colors can be intimidating, but these tips will help you make good choices and give you the confidence to take the plunge. Bold colors can help you create your own sense of style, and warm up or brighten up a room. Start out small by painting an accent or drama wall with a bold color, or choose to paint window frames, door casings, moldings and trim with a bold color. Use white for the walls of the room, but make sure to … Continue reading

Does “Undecorating” make you want to Redecorate?

Christmas came and went then New Year’s and now Epiphany is over as well. There really aren’t too many more excuses I can think of to avoid taking down the rest of the Christmas decorations and the tree. My youngest isn’t happy and I just don’t know what the puppy will do for fun when it’s all put away. I’ve been taking some stuff down here and there over the past few days, but as I began to return the regular items to their places it occurred to me that I’d really like to do something different. I can’t really … Continue reading

The Color of Comfort, Part II

Picking up where we left off yesterday in our discussion of comfort colors, I have a few more to share. Does your favorite color resemble your favorite comfort food? Yellow Yellow is another hot color, depending on the shade. It makes me think of sunshine and lemony fresh scents, such as lemon zest, a wedge of fresh lemon in a tall, cold glass of iced tea, or lemon pie. There are many variations of yellow from pale to bright to more muted golden tones. Golden saffron is a nice, rich color, much like its expensive namesake. Purple Eggplant Parmesan is … Continue reading