Changing My Name

By now I’m sure that you can tell that feminist issues are a very big deal for me. It even took a bit of coaxing from my parents for me to walk down the aisle with my dad; I did it for him, because it was important to him, but I don’t like the idea of being passed off from one man’s hands to another. Yet one thing about my decisions related to my married life really stands out: I took my husband’s name. I’ll admit it rankled a little, just the idea that I erase a part of myself … Continue reading

The More the Merrier?

How would you feel about sharing your spouse with another? I know for a fact that I wouldn’t like it and neither would Mick like being part of such an arrangement. Yet that is apparently what Keysar Trad who is president of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia suggested recently as guest speaker when talking at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney. He doesn’t see why bigamy or polygamy should be a crime. Others, undertandably, didn’t agree. On Monday 5th October the Sydney Morning Herald ran a number of letters picking out a few of the flaws in his … Continue reading

Divorcing Couple Fights Over Kidney

When conflict arises in a marriage, it sometimes leads to divorce proceedings which then leads to more conflict. For one New York couple, the fighting stems not over a home or other visible possessions, but over a kidney. Back in 2001, Dr. Richard Batista donated one of his kidneys to his wife, Dawnell. Now, these many years later, he wants it back. The wife filed for divorce in 2005, and while the divorce is still yet to be finalized, the kidney is still on the list of disputes. Dr. Batista says that in lieu of the kidney, he would accept … Continue reading

San Francisco Names First Same Sex Couple to Marry

San Francisco has made plans for its first of many to come June gay and lesbian weddings. The first wedding will actually be a repeat wedding from 2004. Deal Martin and Phyllis Lyon were united in a ceremony that began the Winter of Love in 2004. The ceremony performed was very rushed and unapproved. Over 4000 same sex couples married before the courts stopped the marriages and declared them illegal. This time around, the couple hopes to get more attention placed into their legal marriage. The couple will be married at City Hall when same-sex marriages begin on June 16 … Continue reading

Concerns of Prenuptial Agreements

In my last article it seemed that there were several positive aspects concerning prenuptial agreements. However many do not feel that they are a positive thing. Just as with the pros, prenuptial agreements also have their down falls. Many feel that signing a prenuptial agreement takes all of the fairy tale out of a wedding. Others feel that being asked to sign a prenuptial agreement is a sign that there is mistrust in the relationship among the partners. Some partners are offended by being asked to sign an agreement such as this. There is then resentment that builds in the … Continue reading

Pros of Prenuptial Agreements

My last article began placing some emphasis on prenuptial agreements. I gave you a little bit behind their history and why some couples may choose to sign them. In this article we will look a little more in depth at some pros and cons of signing one of these documents. Prenuptial agreements can be very enlightening and positive to a marriage. They can help create conversations and bring up ideas that you may not have considered discussing before marriage. There are several states that have laws pertaining to property and assets in a marriage. Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, Arizona, … Continue reading

What about Prenuptial Agreements?

Couples have different ideas of how things should work after marriage. In fact some partners even have differing opinions about how their own marriage should operate. Communication, before and after marriage, is the key to having a good healthy relationship. Much discussion has been given already to whether or not prenuptial agreements are a good idea. Like most things they have bad points and good points. Some feel that prenuptial agreements take the romance out of a relationship while others believe that they are a necessity. While it often seems that women have more of a negative outlook on the … Continue reading

Minnesota Couple Protests Marriage Law by Marrying in Canada

As most of you well know from the media attention that marriage has been given the past few weeks, much debate has arisen about legal gay marriages. California has now joined Massachusetts in allowing legal gay marriage. Canada, our neighboring country, also recognizes the union between two mates of the same sex. Same sex couples are becoming more and more common among the bonds of relationships. The push to give all unions of two persons the right to legally join is not going away for the other 48 states. Some Minnesotans feel that protest is one way to voice their … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Covenant

Many years ago there was only one type of marriage. It was the traditional husband and wife marriage, which began with a wedding and ended with happily ever after (or so we thought). We now know that all marriages and couples are not designed this way. There are many different people in this world and many different types of relationships. Therefore, there are also different types of marriages. In my next couple of articles I will explore some traditional and some nontraditional couples and their marriages. For some couples marriage simply just is not enough. They want a commitment even … Continue reading

Thoughts on Marriage and Monogamy

As I was writing What You Might Not Have Known About Affairs, I got to wondering: If we’re not programmed to be monogamous, why do we try to be? (As part of my research for that piece I was surprised to learn that monogamy is not the norm for 97 percent of most mammals, including humans.) Something else I learned while researching another article, Affairs and STDs, was that as many as 60% of marriages could suffer a cheating spouse. At first I thought as high as 60% seemed ridiculous –-until I learned about how humans are not monogamous beings … Continue reading