When Do We Draw the Line for the Media?

I was searching tonight for some pop culture news. Kim Kardashian got married, but I couldn’t care less. Minka Kelly and Derek Jeter broke up – boring. So, I turned to my old friend TMZ. Okay, Chaz Bono signs on for “Dancing with the Stars,” former NBA player charged with murder, and then I hit the supposed Steve Jobs post-resignation picture. Wow. The reason I say supposed is that the photo looks a bit fake to me, but if it is Steve, it is obvious he doesn’t have long to live. Everyone knows Jobs has had pancreatic cancer for at … Continue reading

Looks Like I Picked a Bad Week to be a Celebrity Kid

My blog title is a variation of the Airplane! movie quote that I thought of this week when I read the celebrity news because, it was a tough, tough week to be a celebrity kid. First up was Clark Gable’s grandson Clark James. Handsome like his famous grandfather, but perhaps as smart as this week, Clark James, 22, was charged with a felony for pointing a laser inside the cockpit of a police helicopter. His manager Roxie Davis said he was simply shining the laser out the window of a car and said it was “a huge mistake.” She said … Continue reading

Octomom Says She was Drugged When Implanted

There for a while, I thought the infamous Octomom’s clock had expired on her 15 minutes of fame. In case you’ve forgotten, Nadya Suleman, aka the Octomom, gave birth to eight children in early 2009. The single mother already had six children before that, all reportedly by the same sperm donor because Suleman claims to have not had sex in 12 years. About two weeks ago, I saw a morning show interview with Suleman and her brood – at least I think most of them were there, it’s really had to tell. The eight babies were there and I think … Continue reading

Marines Gone Wild

Have you been invited to a Marine Corps Ball lately? If not, chances are you aren’t quite famous enough. I am kidding, of course. Since becoming a Marine wife, I have attended several balls, held each November to honor the founding date of the Marine Corps. Think of it as a prom for Marines on their company’s birthday. It is a big deal – everyone dresses up, then eats and dances after a ceremony to honor all Marines past and present. The only ball I’ve been to that had anyone even remotely famous was one we attended out in San … Continue reading

Denise Richards Adopts and Charlie Sheen Pays

Actress Denise Richards is hearing the pitter patter of little feet, but it is not from her baby-daddy, ex-husband Charlie Sheen. Richards has announced that she just adopted a child born domestically. New daughter Eloise Joni joins the daughters Lola, 6, and Sam, 7, Richards had with Sheen. Richard’s rep said that new daughter “Eloise Joni Richards is named after Denise’s mom (Joni), and Denise and her daughters Sami and Lola chose the name Eloise.” The rep went on to say that “Denise and Eloise’s big sisters couldn’t be happier and feel incredibly blessed.” At least Sheen can thank his … Continue reading

More Failed Doomsday Predictions – Part 3

Here we are, three days after the predicted rapture. I read on the news that Harold Camping is laying low since the non-rapture and word is that the Family Radio will have a response coming in the next week. Hon-Ming Chen founded the God’s Salvation Church in the early ‘90s. He predicted God would show up on television on March 31, 1998 to save us all. When that didn’t happen, to prove himself to his followers, Chen offered to be stoned or crucified. No one took him up on his offer and the church soon disbanded. Broadcaster turned psychic Charles … Continue reading

More Failed Doomsday Predictions – Part 2

I have been blogging about failed doomsday predictions. I knew of a few, but I had no idea how many were out there (and I am sure I’ve still missed many!). Like I said before, I do feel sorry for the followers that get caught up into the teachings of someone, only to find out first hand it wasn’t true. I can’t remember what denomination it was, but I remember seeing a show on television where a minister predicted the end date. His followers believed him and prepared – then nothing happened. It must be a bit devastating to believe … Continue reading

More Failed Doomsday Predictions – Part 1

If you are reading this, we are still here and Harold Camping’s prediction that the rapture would occur on May 21 wasn’t correct. I make fun of these predictions, but I must say that I do have sympathy for the followers that really believe and especially those that sell off their possessions. Anyhow, back to more failed doomsday predictions. Mormon founder Joseph Smith made his own prediction back in 1835 that Jesus would return in 56 years. I guess the good news for Smith was that he was dead well before 1891, so he didn’t have to listen to any … Continue reading

Doomsday is Upon Us…Or Maybe Not

The world is going to end today at 6 pm Pacific time…if you believe Christian radio host Harold Camping. He and his followers at Family Radio Christian network say that based upon his findings in the Bible, May 21 is the day of the Rapture. According to his beliefs, about 200 million people around the world will be raptured today, leaving the rest to suffer until October 21 when the world will come to an end. Now, call me a skeptic, but I have thought about what we should do for my son’s 7th birthday in July, how I want … Continue reading

Charlie’s Officially Out and Arnold Did WHAT?

Well, you may have heard the news by now, but CBS has officially announced that Ashton Kutcher will be Charlie Sheen’s replacement on “Two and a Half Men.” Sheen had maybe jokingly, maybe not pleaded for his job back during his one man train wreck, eh, tour. A friend has said Sheen is “destroyed” that he has been replaced and so quickly. Publically, Sheen has tweeted his best to Ashton and said CBS got the right guy. However, he later tweeted, “Kutcher is a sweetheart and a brilliant comedic performer … Oh wait, so am I!! Enjoy the show America, … Continue reading