Protecting Preschoolers from Choking

Dealing with a picky preschooler at the dinner table may be the least of your concerns, according to a new study.  Instead of stressing about your child’s refusal to eat his veggies, researchers warn parents that they should be carefully monitoring four year olds while they chow down on classic kid favorites, like hot dogs, as the number of choking incidents among preschool-aged children is dangerously high. Researchers say a staggering 34 children a day are admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to choking.  That translates to more than 12,000 emergency room visits a year, though the study’s author notes … Continue reading

Natural Treatments for Mosquito Bites

It’s mosquito season and already they are out in full force.  My son recently went camping and came home with over 40 bites.  I thought he forgot his bug spray but claimed to have sprayed it daily.  The bites didn’t seem to bother him too much but I had about five on my ankle and the itch was driving me batty.  Since, I try to be as chemical free as possible and I have smaller children who I don’t want sprayed chemicals, I decided to use myself as an experiment.  It was too late for my teen or I to … Continue reading

Natural Remedies for Colds

As if the stomach flu were not enough, my other daughter has a terrible cold. Perhaps the stomach bug invited more bugs to the party.  It seems this year has been terrible for illness for a lot of families.  Many cannot get rid of one bug fast enough to get a break from the next on their doorstep. If it isn’t one thing it is another.  The worst part is illness will make its way around once again since it is something new.  With everyone coming off the flu we are prime for the next invasion since our defenses are … Continue reading

Easing the Stomach Bug

Like many families, the stomach bug has come to call.  Such a rude house guest who takes up residence making everyone miserable and always overstaying its welcome.  The stomach bug this year appears to be especially rude causing every family member days of pain and agony.  The worst part is just when you think you are getting better you get sick again.  I thought I had seen the last of the flu bug but it appeared once again affecting the last two members of my family it missed the last time.  It all started with my littlest one who woke … Continue reading

Preschool Nutrition

  Sometimes getting children to eat healthy can be a chore.  Children are so drawn toward sugary foods.  Of course, so am I, but I know better.  They also like to eat bland foods that all tend to be yellow or orange like macaroni and cheese, breads,  and pasta.  Eating too much pasta or bread is not healthy as your body will process it as sugar.  But don’t worry too much about fat and carbs in your preschooler’s diet.  Preschooler’s are growing and need energy and fat to help keep them healthy.  The best thing you can do is cut … Continue reading

The Flu Bug Comes for a Visit

I just hate it when my kids get sick.  I feel so bad for their little watering eyes and hot foreheads.  Like most moms, I immediately spring into action trying to make my kids feel better.  I arm myself with Tylenol and a few home remedies on a quest to smash the flu bug. Symptoms of Flu in Children a high-grade fever up to 104 degrees F chills and shakes with the fever extreme tiredness headache and body aches dry, hacking cough sore throat vomiting and belly pain Treatment of the Flu in Children First you need to know that antibiotics … Continue reading

Constipation in Preschoolers

Constipation is common in children. It can painful and frustrating for the child. However, knowing how to help and when to seek medical assistance can relieve the pain and the problem. What is constipation? Bowel movements that are difficult and/or painful to pass and less frequent. Causes of Constipation Withholding. A child may not want to use the bathroom because he doesn’t want to stop playing or due to a previous bout of painful constipation. Perhaps your child does not desire to use public bathrooms. Diet. Your child’s diet has a direct affect on bowel movements. The most common cause … Continue reading

Treating Urinary Tract Infections in Children

Urinary tract infections are miserable.  As someone who suffers from urinary tract infections and have allergies to antibiotics, I know the struggle and the solutions.  However, it is always very important that you seek medical attention if you suspect your child has an infection.  Follow your doctor’s advice and do not use treatments mentioned in lieu of prescribed medication. Due to my allergies to antibiotics, I have learned to use natural remedies on the onset of an infection. The moment I feel a twinge of a problem I begin treatment.  It is important to catch it before a full blown … Continue reading

The Dreaded Pink Eye

The last thing any parent wants to hear is pink eye is going around. Of course, the last thing a parent wants to see in the morning is her child with pink eye. Let’s face it, we all dread it. It is highly contagious and extremely uncomfortable. You see pink eye and you want to run in the opposite direction. Those two words can inspire panic in parents, babysitters, and teachers. Not only does it mean more than one child will come down with it, but adults could just as easily get it. Worse still, is watching your child in … Continue reading

Natural Cold Remedies for Children

Tis the season for coughing and sneezing. During this time of year we practically hold stock in tissue companies. Currently, half of my family is coughing, sniffling, and congested. We are a family that shares sinus issues so weather changes are problematic and often colds follow making for miserable times. My four year old currently has a sore throat, stuffy nose, and a fever. I always try to look to nature’s medicine cabinet first. I used to not be a big believer in natural remedies until I began taking them during my pregnancies. Ever since, I have incorporated more natural … Continue reading