Exercise and Diet Together Help Weight Loss

Thinking about losing some weight? You’ve probably found tons of advice that suggests how to do that. Some of it might contradict the other pieces of advice. Those of you who are confused about what the best plan for weight loss is may want to consider what a recent study found. It turns out you need to focus on both exercise and diet together. A Stanford study about weight gain and obesity was making the rounds on the internet recently. The lead author of the study was Dr. Uri Ladabaum, a Stanford gastroenterologist. In short, he describes the results as … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Eggs

For years we have seen reports and heard warnings that eggs were bad for your health. People feared the impact eggs would have on their cholesterol and their waistlines.  Eggs seemed to be the bad guy from health to weight gain.  As eggs were vilified, we were missing out on some key health benefits of eggs.  Yes, that is right, eggs contain health benefits that far out weigh any false claim of their poor impact on health.  While, moderation does need to be used with eggs or any food, you have nothing to fear from waking up in the morning … Continue reading

Healthy Beets and Recipe

Beets are another healthy food that you ought to consider adding to your diet. Beets contain betaine, the same substance that is used in certain treatments of depression. Potassium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron; vitamins A, B & C; beta-carotene, beta-cyanine; folic acid, are just a few of the health benefits of beets.  Beets are also high in iron and excellent source of energy.  Bet  you never realized so much good could be in a beet.  Perhaps you don’t like beets or you never had them.  Were you turned away by their appearance?  I know many who have never tried a beet … Continue reading

Are you ready for the commitment?

Losing weight is a commitment.  Not like the commitment of watching American Idol for a few weeks.  More like the commitment you give to the army.  It can be grueling, exhausting, and frustration.  Many give up before they really begin.  No one wants to be uncomfortable and as soon as that first bead of sweat appears it is time to jump ship for many on a weight loss journey.  If only losing weight was as easy as gaining weight, huh?  Upon looking in the mirror you may think you are ready to put forth the effort.  However, is that thought … Continue reading

Healthy Mac & Cheese

Nothing says comfort food like a bowl to mac and cheese. Especially to my kids! They love the stuff but to be honest, I hate giving it to them.  In my experience it either comes processed a in box or it is filled with high fat cheese, cream, and high carb pasta.  Tell me how you can call cheese a food once it is powered?  And the high fat cream and cheese in any meal cannot be healthy.  So, I had to search out a mac and cheese recipe that was kid friendly and healthy! Healthy Mac & Cheese INGREDIENTS … Continue reading

Fit in Fifteen

What is T-Tapp? T-Tapp is a series of movements designed to put the body in proper functional alignment, restore metabolic function, and stands on its own as a complete workout as well as enhancing the effectiveness of ALL of your workouts. Basically, your entire system gets “tuned up” like a finely adjusted machine. Due to utilization of comprehensive, compound muscle movement, rapid reshaping can take place. Highlights Is done without weights, equipment, or jumping. Can be done in 15 minutes in a couple of feet of space. Is rehabilitative, especially for the lower back and knees. The movements look so … Continue reading

Eating without Needing a Hazmat Suit

Foods today contain harmful chemicals that not only cause disease, and that is bad enough, but disrupt hormones and cause weight gain.  You mat be having trouble losing weight due to chemicals in processed foods.  Why should all your hard work and good health be threatened by chemicals? Clean out your cupboards and cleanse your body by eating whole foods and not processed, sugary and chemical filled foods. The idea seems daunting but the process can be simplified into small steps. The first thing you want to do is avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup. It causes your blood … Continue reading

Diet Friendly Valentine’s Day Marble Cake

At just over 200 calories a slice this is the perfect way to celebrate valentine’s day without feeling guilty about having dessert.  I was given this recipe a few years ago by a friend but up until now, I completely forgot about it.  Can you believe that?  I was going through my recipes and when I came across this one I got so excited that I just had to share!  A low fat cake that contains no fake sugars and tastes great!  Enjoy! Diet Friendly Valentine’s Day Marble Cake Ingredients 5 egg whites 1/4 cup baking cocoa 1/4 cup hot … Continue reading

Low Fat Superbowl Food: Touchdown!

My son insists that Superbowl Sunday is not about eating healthy. Well, your health doesn’t take the day off so why should you take the day off of taking care of yourself?  Low fat, healthy eating, eating right…it all says tasteless, right?  Wrong.  Eating healthy can be delicious and best of all it makes you feel good. This Sunday think about serving more water, fruit juices, low fat chips, salsa, guacamole, skinless hot wings, and lean meat subs with plenty of veggies. And what about a meatless chili?  Yes, meatless!  I promise you they won’t miss the meat.  My son … Continue reading

No Bake Angle Food Dessert

When my oven broke and I was too broke to get it repaired, I had to come up with ways to bake and cook without it.  I was going to an event and needed to bring a dessert.  I hated to buy something store bought since I normally bake.  Although, I can’t say I was crying over not having the ability to bake.  Life has been too busy to breath lately much less bake.  I was lucky enough to come across this recipe in my box of dessert recipes.  I am not a fan of crushed pineapples but so many … Continue reading