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Don’t Diet: Eat Consciously

I saw a show recently where a woman had lost a ton of weight following the “French Women Don’t Get Fat” diet. Surprisingly, she drank wine every day and even ate cheese. The theory behind the diet is that the French utilize a little tool Americans seem to have lost: portion control. Yes, they indulge in sinful treats, but they adhere to the three-bite rule. Only take three bites then put it down or push it away.

It makes sense. Think about your mother. Another blogger, Heather, commented on this. Our mothers didn’t crash diet. They ate what they wanted. They utilized portion control and they moved. Not on a treadmill mind you, but in everyday life. People used to walk more and they used to eat at home. Now, fast food abounds and portion sizes have gone through the roof.

Before you begin your next diet, eating only grapefruit, or protein, or vegetables, why not consider just eating consciously and practicing the “old fashioned” rules of plain common sense? As a person who has been struggling with weight for a very long time, especially since the birth of my kids, I think a major part of my problem has been buying into the fads.

So I’m going to try and eat consciously. I’m going to make what I put into my mouth count, and am going to make a sincere effort to reduce eating out of boredom or habit. And I’m going to drink my eight glasses of water per day. Sure, I’ll be running to the bathroom every five minutes for a few days, but after that my body will adjust and will start to feel better.

Do you dare to join me? To say sayonara to diet disasters and jump on the conscious eating bandwagon? C’mon, let’s do it together!