Study: Parents Can Significantly Influence Child’s Mental Health

Parenting styles that included physical discipline and overcontrolling behavior, referred to as “hostile” parenting, were found to nearly double the risk for their children to develop mental health symptoms, according to a new study, ABC News  reported. The study was published in the medical journal Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, followed over 7,500 children in Ireland from 9 months old until they were up to 9 years old.  Children who were exposed to hostile parenting at age 3 were 1 1/2 times more likely to have high-risk mental health symptoms and 1.6 times more likely to have mild-risk mental health symptoms … Continue reading

Study Finds College Students May Develop PTSD Due to 2016 Election

There’s a chance that your college student has developed PTSD because of the 2016 election. This is according to a study that was led Melissa Hagen, an assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University. The results were published in the Journal of American College Health on October 22, 2018. The title of the study is: “Event-related clinical distress in college students: Responses to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.” The study examined the prevalence and demographic correlations of clinically significant election-related avoidance and intrusion symptoms among college students 2-3 months after the 2016 election. There were 729 participants. The … Continue reading

Study Finds Mental Health of Expectant Dad Affects Child

There is a new study that looks at mental health in a different way. Researchers found that expectant fathers who had mental health problems affected the behavior and emotional lives of their child. The kids didn’t exhibit the problems until years later. They aren’t sure exactly why this is happening, but it certainly appears to be the case. A study was done that included 32,000 children in Norway. The results were recently published in Pediatrics. It suggests something that most people would not have guessed was possible. The risk for future mental health problems in young children may be identified … Continue reading

Reducing Holiday Stress

A fit lifestyle encompasses more than just eating right and exercise.  It includes getting enough sleep, cutting out bad habits such as smoking and other areas that affect your overall health. In fact, stress can wreak havoc on your body and may even contribute to weight gain.  With the holidays in full swing, its time to think about the impact that stress can have on your body. Medical experts say that this is the time of year in which people are prone to heart problems, such as heart attacks.  Stress can be physical, emotional, financial or a combination. Learning how … Continue reading

How Breaking Your Budget is Bad for Your Health

Here is another reason to stay on your budget. Breaking it can actually be bad for your health. Agonizing about how you are going to afford a new purchase can stay with you, even after you solve the problem. Researchers now say that our brains don’t like being in debt. Having fears about money affect our health long term. Whether we realize it or not, debt causes stress, and stress causes poor health. Stress and pain seem to register much more strongly than does pleasure. So, the next time you feel ready to break your budget, keep this in mind. … Continue reading

How Pets Help Our Health

It’s something I grew up thinking, and I don’t even remember where I first heard the idea: pets improve your health. They’re especially good for the elderly or others living alone. Pets give you someone to care about and look after, bringing additional purpose and companionship to your life. Some recent medical studies, however, indicate that owning pets might have a more direct effect on our health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that pet ownership can decrease our blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride. Their studies also indicate that rates of stress, loneliness, and depression are lower among … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 5

We have reached the end of my “52 Fitness Changes” series. I will be ending with the final two changes in this blog but I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to encourage you. My suggestion is you print off these changes and then decide which order you will follow them. But it doesn’t have to be one change per week. You could step things up a notch and decide you are going to make two changes each week or more. Maybe if you are really driven, you will make one change per day. The point is that … Continue reading

Human Trafficking in America – Part 2

Yesterday, I was talking about human trafficking. Like many, I turned a blind eye to this until I saw statistics that just wouldn’t allow me to do that anymore. Is there anything you can do to prevent human trafficking? First of all, know that it is real and happening in our country. Second, you can recognize the signs of a possible victim. These people act like they are under someone else’s control and feel as if they are under surveillance. They work long hours for little pay, yet don’t manage their own money. They may not know English and may … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Cantalope

When the warm weather hits and cantaloupes make their first appearance at the Farmer’s Market my kids are in heaven. We buy plenty of it and even the kids in the neighborhood come over for this treat. They get just as excited about cantaloupe as popsicles. That is fine by me because I would rather serve a healthy treat than give frozen sugar. Cantaloupes are so good you can forget they are good for you. My 7 year old asked me the other day if they were good for you and how. She is a very inquisitive child and knows … Continue reading

Home Based Professionals Do Experience Stress

Home – based professionals are not immune to work related stress. Although we do not have to deal with things like commuting and office gossip, which can cause stress, we still have other work related pressures that can cause us to feel anxious. Things like deadlines, unanticipated difficulties, and challenging clients can leave even the happiest home – based professional feeling frazzled. When I feel stressed, I tend to let the issue churn over and over in my mind. This is not a good thing, as I continue to get more and more worked up about it even if there … Continue reading