Are You Who You Want To Be?

Recently, as I was researching information for this Blog, I came upon a headline that caught my attention. It read: “Michelle Bachelet, President and Single Mom.” At first I thought, how interesting, she must have become the president of a company or a local social club or some other small type of organization. I decided to read the full article and was very pleasantly surprised when I found out that Michelle Bachelet, President and single mother is the recently elected President of Chile! According to, Dr. Bachelet is, “Her country’s first female elected president and the first woman who … Continue reading

Be a Better Single Parent In Four MORE Easy Ways

Hopefully you are feeling less guilty and worrying dramatically less than you were before my article yesterday. And you are seeking out help and support and learning to be a better single parent. There isn’t a right or wrong way, but there are certainly some ways to help! Here are four more incredibly wonderful ways that you can resolve yourself to be a better single mom or dad! Patience is a Gift Stress all around, and often you find yourself hollering at the kids for no reason? I know I do! I don’t mean to, but when you’re doing everything … Continue reading