What’s In A Name?

Genealogists often spend a lot of time concentrating on reseraching people with the same surname. While surnames are important for genealogical research because they connect members of the same family, it is interesting to look at first names too. First names, or given names as they are often called, are just that – the name that a child is given by their parents when they are born. In the past, there were many children that were given the names of their ancestors. In some cultures, there was even a precise formula for naming children. For example, in the 1700’s and … Continue reading

How To Pick Your Baby’s Name

For some expectant parents, choosing a name for their new baby is a no-brainer. Some women have had their baby’s name picked out for years. Some families look forward to passing down a family name. Some couples will even name their child after the city or place in which they were conceived, like all four of Ron Howard’s children. (Can you guess which state daughter Bryce Dallas was conceived in?) For those of us who don’t have a name lined up, however, picking out a name can be pretty tricky. After all, you’ll probably say it about 3 million times … Continue reading

How To Start A Mommy Blog

An easy way to share your pregnancy with friends and family is to start a blog. You don’t have to be a professional writer or web design expert. If you can write an email, you can definitely write a blog. Follow these steps to have your blog up and running in no time. 1. Open a free account on a blog hosting site like Blogger or WordPress. Some blog sites offer premium plans, but don’t feel like you have to buy anything. Free plans still allow you to customize the look of your blog and include pictures in your posts. … Continue reading

What’s in a Name? Naming Your Baby After Someone Else

When we were searching for a baby name, the most difficult thing to juggle was the connotation that each name brought forth. My husband and I both teach, and so we’ve encountered just about all of the common names worn by many, many different children. As each name came up, it came with connotations from years gone by. Can’t name her Brianne…it reminds me of someone who tormented me in school. Alana? Kids with that name are always jokers, and since our child will be a model of perfection, well, that name’s out. And wasn’t there a 1980s star who … Continue reading

Naming Your Baby: Is Popularity a Bad Thing?

Did you know Jacob has been the number one boy’s name in the US since 1999? Ironically this is one of the names my husband and I have chosen as a possibility if we have another boy. Now I’m not so sure. Considering how popular the name is, he may have a hard time in school when the teachers do roll call. Emily was the number one girls name every year from 1996 to 2007. Guess which girls name ranked number one from 1909 to 1946? The answer is at the end of this blog. On the other end of … Continue reading

Who Will Take Care Of Your Children?

Did you ever stop to think of what will happen to your children if something should happen to you? A touchy topic, I know, but one that must be addressed. If you are divorced your most likely answer will be, “to the other parent”. What if you are not divorced? What if you are widowed instead? What if the other parent does not want to be involved in the children’s lives? What if the other parent is not physically, financially, emotionally, or mentally fit to care for the children? Then what? If you have not already taken care of this … Continue reading

Choosing A Name for Baby

Choosing a name for your baby can be fun. Or it can end up as a nightmare. Firstly the couple needs to decide if they want to use the name of any family members either as first names or second names. One thing we were agreed on was that we didn’t like the idea of a child having the same name as a parent, even though I love the name Michael, which I think is a romantic sounding name. Mick doesn’t. like it. That was a compromise I had to make when we started going together. Each time Mick and … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: November 2008

I hope that you had a good holiday with your little one(s). November went by so fast, it is hard to believe that december and the holidays are already upon us. Here are all of the blogs that we posted last month in the Baby Blog. November 1st Baby Blog Week in Review: October 20th Through October 26th As parents, we always worry about our children. It is so important to stay informed, whether it is an issue with BPA in plastics or baby clothing that is causing medical issues. Explore the posts in the Baby Blog for the week … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: November 24th Through November 30th

This has been a tough week for us, especially with the trip to the emergency room for our youngest child. I’m looking forward to a more quiet week. If you missed that post or any others from last week, you can read them here. November 24th Baby Blog Week in Review: November 17th Through November 23rd Are you having a quiet Thanksgiving with your baby, or will the whole extended family be there? Babies just add a special spark to the holidays, don’t they? November 25th Name Your Baby After Mussolini and Other Weird Baby News Struggling about choosing a … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: November 3rd Through November 9th

Has your little one been having fun with the leaves? My kids have, although I don’t expect the leaves to last must longer. Soon we will be moving on to Thanksgiving and the holiday season ahead. November 3rd Baby Names: Pay Attention to the Initials When it comes to baby names, initials mean more than you might think. Keep reading to find out why. November 5th Caffeine Linked to Underweight Babies Here is one more reason to avoid caffeine, especially if you are pregnant. A new study published in the British Medical Journal found that even a little caffeine during … Continue reading