Are You Punishing Yourself Along With Your Kids?

How many times have you punished yourself right along with your kids? Sometimes it’s unavoidable. Suppose you’re out on the town and your child starts to misbehave, should you endure this misbehavior or leave? Most experts tell you to leave. However, is it fair to you or perhaps a sibling? Absolutely not. The entire family will suffer for the misbehavior of one. There’s ways around this, of course, although someone will still be unhappy. If you have a child who routinely misbehaves you can take separate cars and agree in advance that one parent will leave with the offending kid … Continue reading

Bill To Make Spanking A Crime Dropped

Here’s an update on a blog I did about California Assemblywoman Sally Lieber’s proposed bill banning spanking. On Thursday, the effort was dropped after Lieber conceded that the bill had little chance of passing. If the bill had passed, California would have become the first state to make spanking of a child under the age of 3 a crime. Lieber ran into opposition from lawmakers, many of who felt a law banning a parent’s right to spank their own child would not only be intrusive but unenforceable. Lieber said that allowing parents to continue to spank their kids was a … Continue reading

California Considers Banning Spanking

California spankers beware, you may have to pay a fine or face jail time for spanking your kids. The state Legislature is seeking to outlaw spanking kids under the age of 3. Assemblywoman Sally Lieber of Mountain View, sponsored the bill. If it passes, California will become the first state to ban parents from spanking their kids. The bill is still being drafted and will be written in broad terms but will be written to prohibit “any striking of a child, any corporal punishment, smacking, hitting or punching”. The offense would be considered a misdemeanor and a parent could face … Continue reading

Give Your Kids Reasons

Children by nature are impulsive. They rarely think before acting. They do not understand the cause and effect relationship and as a result are often surprised that their actions may result in discipline. Young children are also extremely self-centered usually not thinking beyond what they want. They do not realize how their actions can affect someone else. So as a parent it is important that you teach your children why things do and do not happen. They also need to know how their actions impact themselves and others. The best way to teach your children about the why’s in life … Continue reading

Do You Have A Defiant Child? Check Your Parenting Style

We so often read or hear about the defiant, strong-willed child and what steps we can take to get them to become more cooperative. Maybe you are the parent of one of these kids and find yourself at the end of your rope. Have you ever considered that your parenting style might be responsible for your child’s defiance? In their book, Try and Make Me!, Ray Levy and Bill O’Hanlon write about three parenting styles that just might contribute to your child’s defiance. The Defiant Parent These parents expect perfect compliance from their kids. They tell them what to do … Continue reading