Money Discussions

Discussing money as a couple is a complicated matter, but it is something you should find the time to do regularly and often. In addition to a habitual weekly money meeting, you should also consider a semi-annual money “retreat.” These weekly meetings can be at home amongst the hustle and bustle. They don’t have to be long or lengthy, just an opportunity to touch base on what bills are due and where the money is coming and going. It can be a good time to briefly discuss your monthly budget progress. These meetings can take 10 or 15 minutes. The … Continue reading

Thoughts on Debt

Given all our recent discussions on credit cards, I felt it was only fitting to also discuss debt. In today’s credit-charged world, our “dreams” are often only a charge card away. While at first this may seem like heaven, all it takes is an overzealous spending spree or unexpected financial problem and your credit card debt can quickly turn your dream lifestyle into instant hell. While there is a time and place for credit card use, ultimately financial success means avoiding debt. Over time, building too much debt can actually lower your standard of living. At first, accumulating expensive material … Continue reading

Where is that D—n Brass Ring?

What’s holding YOU back from the job of your dreams? Why can’t you find what you want, especially since you are looking so sincerely? Read on for some help and hope. The things that hold us back in everything we do boil down to one thing and one thing only: ourselves. Better put, the internal and external issues that comprise our inner core dictate our actions and our thoughts. For example, if you are set on a specific and very high salary (whether realistic or not), a specific location and work schedule (let’s say a two day week), you are … Continue reading