Easy Ways for Single Parents to Make Extra Money

One of my biggest challenges being a single mom is dealing with finances, especially around birthdays and holidays. However, I have discovered some easy ways to make a little extra money when times are tight (well, tighter than normal, anyways). eBay and Craigslist Ebay and Craiglist are excellent places to sell your old, unwanted things online. I usually put smaller items on eBay and larger items on Craigslist. I can typically earn an extra $50-$100 selling mostly old clothes and toys on eBay. Craigslist has always been hit-or-miss for me. I once listed a treadmill for $75, and it was … Continue reading

Are You Creating More Work for Yourself?

I find that in my world there is a fine line between doing what is considered politically correct and “best” for healthy living (organic food, less packages, my own cloth grocery bags, buying locally and at the farmer’s market, etc.) and making a lot more work for my already busy self. As a single parent, I not only have to take into account what I can afford, but also what I actually have time for. Every once in a while, I realize that I am creating way more work for myself in trying to do what is considered “correct.” There … Continue reading

Balancing Security and Ambition for the Single Parent

I think many of us walk a tightrope between clinging to and working for the security of ourselves and our families, and indulging our ambitions and taking those big risks. For a single parent, that tightrope can feel even more precarious—do we focus JUST on establishing and maintaining security for our families, or do we stretch ourselves and give in to our personal or work-related ambitions? And, what if we don’t think we ARE very ambitious—is this a personality failing that will hurt our families in the long run? I confess that trying to establish some security for my family … Continue reading

Who Is the “Bad Guy” Here?

When I talk with other single parents, one of the things that come up again and again is how we often feel like we can’t win—there are so many situations in the life of a single parent’s life where we end up feeling like the “bad guy.” Why is it that the ones who are most involved and dedicated to family should end up feeling like the “bad guy”? After all, aren’t we really the good guys?! Even in the years when I was married to my children’s father, I was the primary parent. That wasn’t the way I wanted … Continue reading