Bullying: Do You Know Your Child’s Classmates?

Wednesday when I was getting ready for a Halloween extravaganza at my house, the phone rang. “Mrs. Crow? This is Kyle’s teacher. I’m calling because I need to let you know about something that happened to him last week during school.” Immediately I knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant conversation. She continued: “Last Thursday I had to leave the classroom for a while, and meanwhile my aide was dealing with a behavioral problem with one of the students in the hallway. So while there was nobody in the room…um…well, a couple of boys started picking on Kyle, calling him … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for July 15th to July 22nd, 2007

Back to school has hit at our house already, as my three youngest have ventured back to school last week in our year-round school district. I still have two at home with me, but they are the oldest and are easily entertaining themselves. I get a lot more done with children gone, though I have been missing them terribly. I kept myself busy with articles and research. So what articles showed up in the Frugal Living Blog last week? Is there any better feeling than cleaning out a coat pocket or fishing through a jean pocket, and pulling out a … Continue reading

10 Ways to Help You Succeed in Your Resolutions to Get Fit

Our lives are a series of choices that we make from the good to the bad. Everything is about choice. We tell our daughter to make good choices and we strive to make good choices for ourselves. When we make resolutions, we are resolving to make positive choices. The problem is, too often we get tied up in how to make those choices work for us. It’s easy to say we’re going to make resolution to get fitter. It’s easy to say we’re going to work out in the morning. It’s harder to deliver on what we say. So you … Continue reading

Forgiving Those Who’ve Hurt Us

There are people in this world who cause great emotional destruction to others, and then dance proudly in the ashes. My life has taught me this. Forgiveness can be an arduous personal journey. When we have a child with a disability, people can be terribly insensitive. Sometimes they make ridiculous or cruel comments, either on purpose or just because they are ill-equipped to handle the situation emotionally. Perhaps they’re just uneducated and inexperienced. Sometimes good friends or family members fade into the background, suddenly becoming “too busy” to maintain a meaningful relationship. Perhaps they blame us for our child’s difficult … Continue reading

Weekend Marriage Seminars?

Have you read about places where you can go for a weekend marriage seminar? There are several different offerings out there on the web, in local areas offered through religious organizations and by marriage therapists and more. One such place is SaveMyMarriage.com. Their seminars occur in different cities during different months and it’s a three day seminar on helping you rebuild your communication skills. Why a Weekend Seminar? Why would a weekend seminar benefit you rather than seeing a marriage counselor or coach on a regular weekly basis? What makes this type of help different? There could be multiple reasons … Continue reading