Stay Away from BPA

We already know that BPA is dangerous. It has been linked to fertility problems, cancer, and sexual dysfunction in men, among other defects. There has been a big push to remove BPA from the plastics that we come in contact with every day. If you walk through the baby aisle, you’ll notice that most of the bottles are in packaging boldly marked, “BPA Free.” Many people have switched to using aluminum water bottles as a precaution as well. We know BPA is dangerous, and we have taken steps to protect ourselves and our families, but now we know more about … Continue reading

Author Interview – Barbara Salsbury

Today we are joined by Barbara Salsbury, author of “Preparedness Principles.” I reviewed her book earlier today, and if you’d like to read that review, click here. Barbara, thank you for being here with us today. Now, you are considered a preparedness guru. How did you come to acquire the knowledge you have? I’m sure I was born with a deep interest in being prepared. It has to be part of my DNA. A lot of experiences and trials in our lives also proved that it does not necessarily have to be THE BIG ONE in order to require the … Continue reading

If the Weather outside is frightful…

It is that time of year again. The weather can do some crazy things, and that’s even more true if you live in an area that is prone to drastic weather changes. We actually have days here that may be sunny and a nice, warm 75 degrees but drop more than 40-50 degrees by late that night. That’s a big difference in a 24 hour period! Sometimes, it’s even more extreme. Have you ever had the air conditioning on during the day and the heat running at night? I try to avoid such uses of energy, but there have been … Continue reading

How to Afford a Healthy Diet

Dieting right isn’t easy when you’re on a tight budget. Unless you are a full time gardener and have your own greenhouse, fresh fruits and vegetables cost money and shopping for them takes time. Let’s not forget the difference in prices between healthy whole grain breads and pastas and those made from refined white flour. If you’ve done any comparison shopping lately, you know that healthy doesn’t come cheap. According to the Center for Disease Control, two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Consider also that American schools are seeing a growing trend in obese students and you’ll soon … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: July 23rd Through July 29th

We’ve covered a wide range of money saving subjects and frugal ideas this week. From summer travel to organizing your pantry, you’re sure to find some practical tips that will have you saving money right away! Missed an article or two or want to review? No problem. Here is your frugal living week in review for July 23rd through July 29th. July 23rd Find Your Reuse Inspiration I love it when I come across ideas for reusing unusual things. For example, this summer, I posted an article about reusing inflatable toys. I think it is so inspiring when these types … Continue reading

How To Find The Best Fall and Winter Sales on Food and Save Money

Finding sales is an art for more frugal living experts. Discovering the best time to purchase items, and save the most money, is pure frugal genius. But not everyone has time to do that, so I’ve made it a little easier for you. Here is a great breakdown of what foods are usually found on sale during the Fall and Winter months. September September is the first month of Fall/Autumn. Apples are in abundance, and can be found for pennies on the dollar at fruit stands and other locations. Canned goods are also lower during this month, in preparation for … Continue reading

A Surprising Story of 100-Year-Old Meat

Still not sure you want to store canned foods for years on your shelves for emergency preparedness? Would you guess that a can of meat could last more than 100 years? Perhaps this story will convince you of the long shelf life of canned foods. Canned foods were first introduced at the turn of the 19th century. It was a revolutionary concept–to be able to store perishable foods in containers without refrigeration. One of the things that really encouraged their use was the practicality of canned foods in ships for long voyages. In the 1820’s Sir William Edward Parry took … Continue reading

What is Pantry Cooking?

There will likely be times in most of our lives when we have some type of financial, natural, or other type of emergency where it will be helpful to have some emergency food on hand. In these times, will we know what to do with cans and cans of wheat, rice, and beans? If the idea of making cheese and sour cream from powdered milk sounds way out of your realm of comfort, you might like to look at a different method for storing food known to some as pantry cooking food storage. Put loosely, pantry cooking is preparing meals … Continue reading

The Importance of Food Storage

How long could you last without a trip to the grocery store? What if you didn’t count buying fresh milk? If there was a particular reason that you couldn’t travel would you and your family be okay? As winter weather comes, you may not be able to make it to the store for two or three days and they may be low on food due to an ice storm and a run on the groceries. In addition to surviving an ice storm or a blizzard do you have enough food to last you longer than that? If you do have … Continue reading

Five Food Storage Safety Tips

It is important to remember to store your food storage safely. The way that you store your food can affect the shelf life of the food. It can also affect the safety of the food itself. Here are five things to consider when storing your food. 1) You should only store your food in containers that have been specifically designed to store food. The containers for food are made from a higher-grade plastic and will help to prevent chemicals leaking into your food. You can purchase these containers at most food storage stores. 2) You need to store your food … Continue reading