The Best Way to Use Your Time – Part 3

In my last blog I talked about the importance of valuing your time. In today’s blog I am going to look at the best way to use your time. This is very important when you are running a home-based business. Have you ever given much thought to how you use your time? Do you have set hours when you work? That can be the key to being the most productive. But even for those who have set hours, we can find ourselves drifting off to other things. You know how that goes…throw in a load of laundry in, get dinner … Continue reading

Get Outside

Our children are at risk of obesity along with a whole range of health problems simply because spending time outside is no longer a parental priority. When I was growing up, we were outside, coming in only for meals. There were lots of neighbor kids to play with and because most of our mothers were home during the day, no one really worried about us. My mother knew if she couldn’t see me one of the neighbors could. I remember my grandmother saying “Go outside, get the stink blown off of you.” That was her way of saying it was … Continue reading

Texting Your Child While in School

During a particularly difficult time for my daughter, she sent me a text one day from school. She needed to tell me something. I responded, she responded, I responded…it turned into a 20 minute “texting” conversation. All of this was while she was in a class. I felt a twinge of guilt. Should I really be texting my daughter while she is in school? I’m sure most parents would say no. But the circumstances wouldn’t allow me to say, “We’ll talk about it later.” The reality is that she may not have been ready to discuss what she was. Now … Continue reading


Last night I was reminded just how crucial it is to communicate with your ex spouse. Most of the time my ex and I get along fairly well. Even though we weren’t married anymore, we knew it was important to have a good relationship with each other for our son’s sake. We do our best to work together on things because, coming from broken homes ourselves, we both knew how important that was for Logan. For the last couple of months we have had some trouble communicating. He has a new girlfriend and so the dynamics of things changed drastically. … Continue reading

Greasy Messes and Expiration Dates

I spent Sunday spring cleaning the kitchen. For the most part, my kitchen is clean, or so I thought. There is always that tiny little space between the stove and the counter top where everything falls and the floor in there is a mess. The crumbs are easy but scrubbing up the greasy buildup in such a small area is really hard, I finally had to pull the stove out, then I found an even bigger mess. I was tempted to push it back! I used to use ammonia on grease, it worked like a charm with minimal scrubbing, but … Continue reading

Are You Listening?

Our kids are constantly talking to us all day, every day, but are we taking the time to really listen to them? As a single parent there are a million things to do when you get home from work every day. You still need to cook dinner, do the laundry, sweep and mop the floor, pick up the house, get the kids ready for bed, and so much more. You don’t have much, if any time to yourself, so when your five year old comes running in to tell you every detail about what they did at school that day, … Continue reading

10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away: Don’t Listen to Them (Part 1)

Okay, so I really doubt that any parent’s goal is to push their teen away. My hope is that this blog series gets your attention though. Because we may be doing the very thing we don’t mean to do. I know I have. One of the first ways you can push your teen away is to not listen to them. This can play out a couple of different ways. The first is that you are quicker about responding or reacting than you are listening. One of the Bible verses that I often rely upon in parenting is this: “Everyone should … Continue reading

A Tale of Two Pregnancies

Hi, my name is Sara and I am currently thirty three and a half weeks pregnant. You may have seen my posts on the Home Business, Genealogy, and Money blogs here on I’m excited to join the Pregnancy blog even at this late stage in my second pregnancy because between this experience and my pregnancy with my twenty seven month old son, there is plenty to talk about. As anyone who has been pregnant more than once can tell you, each pregnancy is completely different. Some of the things that are different with this pregnancy are things that I … Continue reading

How Emotional Abuse Leads to Guilt and Shame

The reason given for emotional abuse varies: you are bad, stupid, ugly, or unwanted, or you are the wrong sex, the wrong age, or the wrong whatever. No matter what reason is provided, you are to blame for what is happening to you. You are guilty of causing the abuse. The guilt you are feeling is not true guilt. True guilt is brought on by a realistic understanding of your behavior and its consequences to yourself and others. False guilt is an oppressive burden that is not based on reality but on the warped views, ideas, and attitudes of others. … Continue reading

Middle-Aged Inspiration

So if I’m 43 years old, am I considered middle-aged? I think it depends on who you ask. I really hate that category…it sounds so…well, old. But I felt better about it when I recently read an article about Michelle Obama and Ellen DeGeneres having a pushup contest. The article even included a little clip from the show, so I could see it. Without even breaking a sweat, first lady Obama was able to do 25 pushups. What impressed me even more was that it wasn’t the kind you do from the knees, these were from her toes. Ellen, on … Continue reading